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Friday, May 12, 2017

How to Get More Done

We all want to eat healthy meals, exercise, feel stress free etc. But good self care takes planning, prep , organization and time. It's all about reaching our goals with a timeline and a deadline.

I had a productive morning, and I want to share how and why. 
There are so many things I usually want to do in my day,  but sometimes I just don't get to them. 
Sometimes, it's because I reason myself out of it without even trying. I think I won't have time or I just get off my timeline.

For example, I look around and realize that I want to clean out a closet, cook a healthy dinner, eat a healthy breakfast, prep salads for lunches, exercise,  etc.

I hope to get to it all, but I sometimes get distracted because I check my emails, I get involved in a phone conversation, don't have what I need in the house and have to run to the grocery store, get up too late and then have other commitments. Or I think - I just don't have enough time! 

Yes, there are lots of reasons that I get off track from my goals. Most of the reason stem from poor planning on my part. Actually, today I found out that I can tackle a lot in less than an hour.

I once read that a goal without a plan and a deadline is really a dream! 

Today I had a VERY productive morning. The reason: I had a timeline and a deadline
I had someone coming to clean, so I knew I had to cook early in the AM or I would be messing up the kitchen after the fact.  I planned what I could do before she arrived. 
I was surprised that by 9:00 I had finished everything I wanted to complete including my one hour of exercise. The cleaning service arrived at 9:15. When she leaves, I won't have to mess up the kitchen with cooking. It can be done!!!

6:35 AM 

Upon Waking: glass of freshly squeezed lemon in a tall glass of water ( rinsed my mouth afterward from the lemon- too acidic)

Laid out my clothes for the day

6:45 AM- 7:40 AM
Look What I Accomplished in Just 55 Minutes
  1.  I Threw in a load of wash, and when it finished popped the clothes into the dryer
  2.  Made a pot of power broth enough for two of us for two days 
  3.  Prepared My Make Ahead Mason Jar Salads and filled 4 Mason jars for the next four days of lunches for two
  4.  Spiralized 2 large organic zucchini to stir fry for dinner tonight with some eggplant sauce
  5.  Brewed a 64 ounce pot of my Sunrider Cali  herbal tea and mixed in my Fortune Delight package  too to drink throughout the day

7:40 AM- met a friend to walk for one hour

8:45 -9:00- Showered and dressed

9:00- DONE!!!

My paternal grandmother was a very structured woman. She lived to be 107 years old and was self sufficient until about 98. She then moved in with her daughter and continued to be an active person. 

In her retired years, Bubbie, as we called her, had a daily routine. She got up early, cooked, cleaned, and did wash all before 10:00 AM . Then she showered, put her hair in a bun, always put in her pearl earrings, got dressed, and then relaxed the rest of the day. I think she was on to something.

Do you plan your day? Are you a procrastinator? What works for you? Share some self care tips!!


  1. Wow, Judee! What an amazing story on your grandmother! She was on to something for sure. :-) I"m not a morning person, but many times I've found that having a time deadline and a set of tasks to be done had me getting a tremendous amount done. It always feels really good when it happens! Thanks so much for sharing her story and your latest success story with us.



    1. My grandmother amazed me with her organization skills and time management skills. She was a great role model.


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