Friday, April 28, 2017

Anti-Cancer Soup is Soothing and Delicious

This simple light brothy soup is one of my favorites because it is fast and easy to make and is loaded with anti-cancer vegetables.

The broth is warm and soothing, the vegetables are not overcooked, and it's full of healthy nutrients. It definitely feels like a big bowl of comfort soup, and it's a good immune booster as well. I feel really good when I eat this light healthy soup.

This recipe is truly a dump soup. You can dump any vegetable you have in the soup pot before cooking. Obviously, I dumped cruciferous vegetables for their anti-cancer benefits. 

I used what I had in the fridge. Can you see the dark green kale and snowy white cauliflower amidst the carrots, parsley, garlic,  leeks and celery? In addition, I dumped in a few pieces of fresh garlic and a little turmeric.

After the soup is cooked, you can add cooked grains like rice or quinoa to each bowl, chopped hard boiled egg, chopped scallions, more ground turmeric, a little sesame oil,  or whatever healthy ingredients you like . The beauty of a dump soup is that just about anything can go into it. 

Since the soup can be made rather quickly, I like to make mine fresh and eat it right away for the greatest antioxidant benefits.  This recipe makes about 4 bowls. 

Extra Tips: 
Author: Judee Algazi @gluten free A-Z Blog
Prep Time: 5-10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Serves : 4 bowls ( I usually eat 2 and my husband eats 2) 
Category: Whole food and Naturally Gluten Free Soup


1 cup of kale , cut in large pieces and washed
1 large handful of parsley
1 leek, white part sliced
1/2 cup of cauliflower, cut up
2 carrots, sliced
2 stalks of celery, sliced
2 cloves of garlic, whole
1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric 
5 cups boiling water ( it will boil down)
3 cups vegetable broth, hot
Himalayan sea salt to taste
Optional: 1 teaspoon of sesame oil


In a deep sautee pan ( or a wide soup pot)  that can hold about 5 quarts, dump the carrots, leek, parsley, celery, cauliflower, garlic, and kale. Add the boiling water and turn heat on high. Add hot vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Turn down heat and simmer for about 15 minutes covered.  When done, add turmeric- taste and then add salt and sesame oil if desired.  Top each bowl with cooked quinoa, cooked rice,  scallions, etc.

**As with all of my recipes, this soup meets real food, gluten free, and vegetarian/vegan standards.

 A Must Watch Youtube about Radical Remission of Cancer by Dr. Kelly Turner

  I am linking this soup post to Souper Sunday - a Sunday linky for soup, salad, and sammies


  Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and am not making any medical claims for this soup.  Always check with your medical doctor before making any changes in your diet.

I am also an affiliate for Amazon and if you click on a link from my blog and then purchase on Amazon, I make a very tiny commission which helps me defray the cost of running a blog- Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Roasted Zucchini Parmesan Makes a Healthy Snack

Roasted vegetables with a little melted cheese is a simple recipe that I eat as a healthy snack whenever I get a craving for something that tastes rich but is actually low in calories and good for you. ** 

please note that this blog began vegan after 2020- you are viewing an older recipe that is vegetarian and uses cheese- substitute vegan cheese if desired)

Zucchini is one of my favorites, but I think we all have simple go-to ideas that fills us up but not out. Mine usually involves a vegetable.

To begin, I roast my zucchini in the oven ( 15 minutes)  because roasting brings out the best of this prolific garden vegetable. Once roasted, this simple green squash develops a rich flavor while staying soft and juicy.

Seriously, I could just eat the roasted squash right from the oven because it tastes so good, but when I take it out I like to sprinkle a little grated cheese on it and some fragrant spices ( oregano and fresh basil) . I then officially call it roasted zucchini parmesan.

I find this little snack very satisfying and it tides me over until dinner. If I make enough of it, I serve it as a side for our dinner meal. 

It makes a lovely presentation and complements just about any entree. It's a vegetable side that even kids will rave about. 

It doesn't need any breading, so it makes a great naturally gluten free side dish.

You will want to pin this recipe right now, because despite being simple and easy it is exceptionally tasty. Think of the summer when you have more zucchini than you know what to do with and this fast and easy recipe will come in very handy. Can you ever have enough zucchini ideas?

You can play around with it and add some black olives, red peppers, onions or any other vegetable of your choice.

If you visit my Pinterest Boards, I've collected lots of wonderful whole food gluten free recipes! You can find me at Pinterest


Author: Judee Algazi @ Gluten Free A-Z Blog
Prep Time: 3-5 minutes
Bake Time: 15 minutes or less
Serves : one portion

1 medium zucchini, sliced medium
10 cherry tomatoes, halved
2 Tablespoons fresh basil, chopped
1/2 teaspoon of oregano or Za'atar
olive oil spray
1/4 cup of grated mozzarella or grated parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 375 
Place zucchini and cherry tomato halves on a rimmed cookie sheet that has been covered with parchment paper into the oven when it reaches 375.
Spray the zucchini and tomatoes with olive oil spray.
Roast for 15 minutes or until the zucchini is soft.
Remove from oven and sprinkle with grated mozzarella or grated (  not powdered) parmesan, chopped basil and oregano if desired. The cheese will melt on the hot vegetables.

Eat as a lower  calorie nutrition snack and enjoy!

Linking this recipe to Miz Helen's Country Cottage Thursday Linky

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Foods That Fight Cancer

I love to watch all kinds of TED Talks. 
Today I'm sharing an informative and inspiring TED Talk video by a cancer researcher who provides documentation that specific foods in specific amounts fight cancer better than some drugs. 

I was blown away by the information, the charts, and his sharing.

Watch the video: 

More info at his website and  Eat to Beat Cancer

                                               A 2nd five minute video follow up 

Dr. William Li- Cancer Researcher - Explains why certain Foods do fight cancer
I have to admit that since I retired from teaching high school, I really miss the professional development programs with excellent presenters. They were uplifting, informative, and inspiring. 

I try to listen to a TED Talk a few times a week. They are very informative and inspiring and have excellent presenters. I've developed my own professional development programs at home using the Ted Talks.
What are TED Talks? The TED Talks website says,  

 "TED is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world. On, we're building a clearinghouse of free knowledge from the world's most inspired thinkers — and a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other, both online and at TED and TEDx events around the world, all year long."

I linked to Healthy Living LInky

How about you? Do you listen to Ted Talks? 
Share your favorites in the comment section. 
What did you think about this Ted Talk?


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Power Bowl Lunches for Portion Control

Free photos of Salad

Power bowls have become extremely popular lately and with good reason. They provide a variety of healthy ingredients, contain small portions, are filling and taste great. After I eat a power bowl, I have lots of energy and don't feel bloated.

What is the difference between a power bowl and a regular bowl filled with my lunch ? 
  • Portion control- small amounts of each ingredient 
  • Super nutrient dense vegetables such as sweet potato, avocado, pomegranate seeds, cabbage, kale, etc.
  • Artistic and pleasing

The Power Bowl idea is an interesting concept. Technically it really is just a bowl that holds your lunch. However, it is really so much more. It takes planning of ingredients and portion awareness make a power bowl. Its artistic, pleasing, and contains nutrient rich vegetables.

If I were to just make a lunch and toss it into a bowl, I would not call it a power bowl.
My power bowls have a space limit for each of the ingredients. I love the idea of portioning our each ingredient in advance. Making up the bowl helps me remember not to overeat. I eat my entire bowl and then I stop eating.

Each ingredient earned its place because of it's nutritional value. Each ingredient was portioned to neatly fit its spot. ..

I eat it quietly and peacefully. I enjoy my starch (acorn squash), my healthy good fat (avocado), my cooked  greens ( broccoli raab and asparagus). my raw green salad ( romaine, parsley, kale, cabbage, and red pepper)

It feels so Zen to me- so Fung shui.

Today's bowl qualified as a Power Bowl Lunch because this simple well thought out and well portioned meal was very  filling and very satisfying. I felt good and had lots of energy. I ate it at 12:30 and wasn't hungry until almost 7:00 PM.

How to make a Power Bowl

1. Choose healthy ingredients
2. Use cooked greens
3. Use raw greens
4. Use a healthy fat
5. Use a starch like a sweet potato or quinoa
6. Use a tablespoon on raw nuts
7. Use a protein of your choice
8. Top with a simple homemade dressing if you choose
9. Use up to a half cup of each ingredient

Some Power Bowl Ideas

Green Vegetables: 
Broccoli, Broccoli raab, asparagus, green cabbage, kale, collard greens, peas, sprouts, sugar snap peas, romaine lettuce. green squashes, green peppers, parsley, cucumbers, arugula, celery, sea vegetables ( seaweeds)

White Vegetables: 
Cauliflower, onions, raw or cooked mushrooms, daikon radish, turnips, garlic, potato, jicama

Red/Purple Vegetables:
Red onion, red cabbage, beets, eggplant, tomato, red radish, red peppers

Yellow/Orange Vegetables:
Yellow squashes, carrots, sweet potato, yellow and orange peppers

Cooked Gluten Free Grains: 
brown or basmati rice, quinoa, kasha, corn ( GMO free) 

walnuts, pecans, pistachios, peanuts, almonds

sunflower, sesame, chia seeds, 

Cooked Beans: 
Black beans, white beans, fava beans, pinto beans, lima beans, soy beans

Avocado, nuts, olive oil

Power Bowls can be made according to your own preferences.  I feel that it is always important to use a variety of healthy plant based ingredients that are nutrient dense, lower carb, lower calorie, good fats and tasty. Healthy choices should provide vital nutrients, fiber, fat and protein and portion control are the key components to a power meal.

I chose to skip grain in this power bowl because I included a starchy acorn squash. 

Do you make power meals? What are some of your favorite ingredients that you include? What do you think of the idea?

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Roasted Tomato Carrot Soup

My Roasted tomato carrot soup is perfect. With just 3 major ingredients, it is rich in color, nutrients, and flavor. It takes about 5 minutes to prep the vegetables, 25 minutes to roast them, and then 3 minutes to blend the roasted veggies with some vegetable broth. Of course all my recipes are gluten-free.

Cherry Tomato, Tomato, Red, Juicy, Sweet

This creamy soup's mild flavor is appealing to both children and adults. For an extra kick, you can spice it up with some hot sauce. 

Roasted vegetable soups are quick and easy to make, nourishing, light, and very tasty. This tomato carrot soup couldn't be easier and is a great starter for a light dinner. 

Carrots, Vegetables, Harvest, Healthy

Vegetables Help Boost Immunity 
Tomatoes are loaded with "lycopene", an antioxidant that helps prevent sunburn and is also helpful for the prostate and other benefits.

Carrots are bursting with carotenoids and anthocyanins- protective antioxidants that help manage free radicals in the body that help cause cell damage which may lead to degenerative disease. Also beneficial for cardiovascular health and vision. 

Carrot and halved cherry tomatoes roasting in the oven until carrots are soft  at 400 degrees

Summer Tomatoes Are Best 
There is no better time to make tomato soup than in the summer when homegrown and farmer's cherry tomatoes are prolific and at their sweetest. 

Soup, Tomato, Healthy, Homemade

Roasted vegetable soups are quick and easy to make, nourishing, light, and very tasty. This tomato carrot soup couldn't be easier and is a great starter for a light soup and salad dinner.

Interestingly, this soup tastes great hot or chilled. 

Please note: Vegetables cook down when roasted, so this soup only makes one large bowl or 2 cups of soup. Double or triple the recipe for additional bowls of soup.

Author: Judee Algazi @ Gluten Free A-Z Blog
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Serves: 1 large bowl or 2 cups

1 cup of cherry tomatoes, halved
3 cloves of garlic
1 large organic carrot, sliced in medium slices
2 tablespoons olive oil or for an oil-free version, use aquafaba (see notes #5) to roast your vegetables.
1 cup of vegetable broth (may be salty or get low sodium)
1/4 cup of water
Salt and cracked pepper if needed

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Toss cherry tomatoes, garlic cloves, carrot slices in olive oil or aquafaba, salt and cracked pepper. Place vegetables on a parchment covered rimmed cookie sheet. Roast vegetables for about 25 minutes or until soft.  Remove from oven and set aside. 
Pour vegetable broth and water into a strong blender like a Vitamix. Add the roasted vegetables and blend well until smooth and creamy. 

Soup and Salad make a great lunch! See my time saving salad in a jar ideas for suggestions.  

My Notes: 

1. When I roast vegetables, I usually take them out of the oven half way and spray them with additional olive oil or add aquafaba to keep them from getting to dry.
2. Each recipe makes one large bowl of soup or 2 cups of soup ; double or triple for more people.
3. This is a great soup to make if you plant cherry tomatoes in the summer and have a ton of them.
4. There is no need to buy canned or boxed prepared foods on Passover when there are so many whole food recipes that are are strictly kosher such as this soup.
5. What is aquafaba?? When you cook chickpeas, it gives off a starchy liquid that works well for roasting vegetables. You can also use the liquid from a can of chickpeas. Simply toss the vegetables in the chickpea liquid and roast.     

Try some of my other summer friendly recipes listed with links below,  but note that prior to 2020 some of my recipes are vegetarian, not vegan and may contain oil. Any recipe after 2020 is oil-free and vegan.     

Mexican Guacamole

French Potato Salad  

Moroccan Carrot Recipe  

Cauliflower Crusted Pizza (vegetarian not vegan)

Fresh Fruit Sorbets - ( parve ice cream) 

Healthy Chocolate Pudding
  ( parve and delicious)  

Creamy Zucchini Soup ( Fast and low calorie)

Marvelous Mini Quiches for breakfast or lunch (vegetarian not vegan)

I party at: Miz Helen's on Thursday where Miz Helen makes great recipes and lots of blogger link ups

Deb in Hawaii hosts a soup, salad, and sandwich linky on Sundays. I've linked this soup recipe.
Deb's blog, Kahakai Kitchen, is a joy to read- I highly recommend visiting Deb- This week

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Spinach and Mushroom Stuffed Artichokes

stuffed artichokes, vegan

Stuffed artichokes (especially with spinach and mushroom)  are one of my favorites, but who has the time, the know how, or the patience to try make them?

 I do because I found a shortcut that allows me to make elegant stuffed artichokes the easy way.

Have you seen frozen artichoke bottoms in the freezer case of your supermarket? The bottoms are the largest and best part of the artichoke and are perfect for stuffing, Buying the artichoke this way eliminates the intimidating job of cleaning and cutting the prickly vegetable. (I've also seen canned artichoke bottoms).

artichoke bottoms

artichoke bottoms for stuffing

stuffed artichoke bottoms

I developed this vegetarian/vegan option as a parve side dish. It satisfied my diverse group of eaters: the meat eaters, those who are gluten free, those who are dairy free, those who are soy free,  the vegetarians, the vegans and the host. 

I adapted this recipe from my MIL's sephardic recipes. 

This spinach and mushroom stuffed artichoke recipe was perfect. It is not only made a beautiful presentation, it was easy to eat, delicious and could be served as a side dish or an appetizer.

I saute my vegetables for the stuffing the day before and the day of I just add the one egg or egg replacer, gluten free breadcrumbs, fill, bake them and serve.
*If you are vegan, this recipe can work well using egg replacer.


2 bags of frozen artichoke bottoms
2 cups of cooked fresh or frozen spinach, drained
1/2 pound of fresh mushrooms, chopped
1 cup of diced onion
1/2 cup of vegetable broth for sauté 
1 clove of garlic, diced
egg replacer equivalent to 1 egg
1/2 cup of gluten free breadcrumbs or GF matzo meal
1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon of Trader Joe's 21 Salute (salt free spice mix ) or Mrs. Dash
salt and pepper to taste

Thaw the artichoke bottoms and set aside in the refrigerator.
Steam spinach and squeeze out liquid (set aside)
Saute the onion in a large skillet in the vegetable broth. Add the chopped fresh mushrooms, garlic, steamed and drained spinach, 21 Salute, salt and pepper until mushrooms are cooked, stirring frequently (add a little additional broth if necessary to prevent sticking) Set the vegetable mixture aside in the refrigerator overnight or continue with the recipe to stuff the artichoke bottoms.
Add egg replacer and 1/2 cup of seasoned gluten free breadcrumbs to the sauté and stir with a spoon until combined.
Place 1 tablespoon of filling in each cavity of the artichoke. ( makes around 12 with some leftover filling)
Bale at 350 degrees for about 35 mimutes.
Saute in lemon juice if desired before serving for a tangy taste.