Friday, October 14, 2016

Bubby's Healthy Green Sorrel Soup Recipe

Sorrel is a leafy green that looks similar to spinach but has a powerful lemony flavor. It can be cooked and eaten like spinach or made into a soup. Either way, sorrel is tangy and delicious. 

This recipe for homemade sorrel soup, or "Schav" as my Russian grandmother called it, is a simple family recipe that my grandmother made in the old country. I never thought that I would actually ever make Schav despite that my grandmother, mother, and father ate it regularly when I was growing up. I never even tried it as a child. My family ate two versions: a chilled schav or warm schav. Since it's fall, I sharing the hot version.

Guess what I received at my CSA today! You got it- close to a pound of sorrel leaves!

When I first noticed the sign saying sorrel leaves at my CSA, something clicked.
I remembered them from my grandmother's soup. 

So today, I made my own schav for the first time using my grandmother's recipe with the sorrel leaves, potatoes, and leeks from my organic CSA farm.  

My grandmother lived to 107 years old in good health. When I looked up the nutritional benefits of sorrel, they were many. This chlorophyl rich green is loaded in calcium, iron, Vitamin C, powerful antioxidants, Vitamin A, plus many other vitamins and minerals. It definitely is a healthy green. 

Although traditional "Schav" calls for sorrel, you could substitute spinach. It just won't be as lemony.
It's a shame that most supermarkets don't carry sorrel. It is truly a treat!

In addition, I sauteed some sorrel with leeks to eat a side dish- it was also fabulous!!!!
I have to say that although I love most greens, this might be my favorite!

A few years ago,  in its March 2009 issue , D ( Dallas) Magazine listed Schav as one of the 5 worst Jewish recipes. I don't know why they would pick on Schav. My grandmothers' recipe is so good that I regret I never tried it before. 

Have you ever tried sorrel? How do you make it? 

Judee Algazi @ Gluten Free A-Z Blog
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Serves : 4 cups 

1 large leek, cut lengthwise in half and then sliced- use the white part and the more tender green part 
1 large red potato , diced
3 cups of sorrel, chopped into ribbons
olive oil spray or 2 Tablespoons olive oil 
4 cups of rich tasting vegetable broth 

In a large skillet, sautee the sliced leek for 2 minutes in olive oil or olive oil spray. Add the sorrel and continue to sautee, stirring frequently until it turns color. Add the chopped potato ( add more olive oil spray if necessary)  and mix well. Remove vegetables from the skillet and add to a 4 quart soup pot. Cover with 4 cups of vegetable broth and cook for about 5-7 minutes until potatoes soften. Serve immediately. 

As the bright green sorrel leaves cook, they begin to turn a khaki color
Leeks, sorrel, and potatoes are the base of this delicious recipe
linked to healthy vegan Fridays
Linked on : My Blog Carnival List and Souper Sunday at Kahakai Kitchen


  1. I've heard of sorrel, but have never tried it. The lemon factor is intriguing. You grandmother lived an amazingly long life! Her soup looks and sounds great, Judee, and I love that bowl!


    1. It was my first time trying it as well. That is the beauty of belonging to a CSA- I get to try a variety of unusual vegetables that the local supermarkets just don't carry.

  2. I have shad sorrel on my list for ages! Can't seem to find it here, but now I'll be looking with more earnestness. Thank you for sharing the recipe; I'm a huge fan of Old Country cooking.

    1. I only saw it at my organic CSA- I think it used to be more popular. Perhaps at a Russian supermarket.

  3. I don't often find sorrel here and when I do it's in small bags in the herb section so I tend to toss it into a salad. I really like the flavor though and would love to try this soup. It looks homey and delicious. Thanks for sharing it with Souper Sundays this week! ;-)

    1. Deb,
      I love sharing at Souper Sundays- your book reviews, your recipes, and your photos on your blog are awesome

  4. This is a great sounding soup Judee! What a great idea to make a traditional meal that your grandmother used to make.
    "My grandmother lived to 107 years old in good health."
    That's incredible! She knew what she was doing.
    I'm not sure I've ever come across sorrel, I'll have to track some down.
    Thanks so much for sharing at Healthy Vegan Fridays - I'm pinning & sharing. Have a great week!

    1. Yes, and my grandmother was in really good health until the last year!

  5. This looks healthy and tasty. I want to make it. I've been on such a soup kick lately.

    1. I'm always on a soup kick!! It's my favorite way of eating my veggies! So glad you stopped by and left a comment.

  6. Judee, I've never had the opportunity to try sorrel. With this lovely family recipe in hand, I'm going to be on the lookout. Might even have to grow it myself!

    1. I'll bet it's easy to grow- like any green!! good luck

  7. Looks amazing, and I am very interested to taste this green, never heard of it until today! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at the Totally Terrific Tuesday party, pinned it to our boards!

  8. Yum! Thank you for sharing your healthy and delectable My Grandmother's Healthy Green Sorrel Soup Recipe at the Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I'm Pinning and sharing!

  9. I have seen sorrel growing in a vintage garden at a stately home, but have never cooked with it, Judee. I know it is meant to be very good for you. I may need to plant some so I can try this lovely soup! Your recipe sounds delicious and so wholesome too. Thank you for sharing with us at Hearth and Soul.

  10. I've not seen sorrel around here, so I've never tried it. Perhaps I should add it to my garden plan next year! Thanks for sharing with us at the homestead blog hop!


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