Friday, October 28, 2016

Healthy Halloween Snacks using Vegetables & Fruit

Halloween is definitely the season when we eat too much candy and an overload on sugar. With the best of intentions, it's difficult to avoid the temptations of Halloween candy. There are some things you can do to help bring some balance to the season! 
If you are having a party at home or at school, why not focus on some Halloween type snacks that are good for you and fun too! The following non-candy ideas are gluten free/ grain free and can be made vegan. 

I was visiting my friend Gail, and she served this adorable vegetable dip with cup up vegetables. Everyone oohed and ahhed at her easy and clever display that was totally sugar free and healthy. This could be done with humus, dip, or even guacamole. You could use any kind of cut up veggies and any color pepper. Gail used toothpicks to hold the olives in place for the eyes and nose.

Gail also served these adorable bananas made into ghosts and these little tangerines made into pumpkins with just a piece of celery for the stem. She used dark chocolate chips for the eyes. She said she just pressed them in and they stuck.

Gail also served some bowls of nuts, popcorn, and grapes, cheese and crackers-  we had a fun afternoon with no candy!

Last year, I took a mini pumpkin, scooped it out and turned it into a serving piece. It really looked adorable, served a purpose, and fit into the pumpkin theme!

How to Pumpkin Server Idea ( link to idea)

Try One Of These Dips or Fillings

Some of my healthy gluten free pumpkin recipes: 


  1. These are some great ideas for a healthy Halloween, Judee! Sometimes people focus so much on candy that we forget there are tasty treats out there too!

    Thanks so much for linking up with us for Healthy Vegan Fridays! I’m Pinning and sharing!

    1. I agree with you. We seem to think Halloween is only about candy and sweet treats. My grandchildren eat more on Halloween than in 2 months

  2. Cute ideas, Judee! Kids will feel much better the next day if they munch on these types of goodies!


    1. I thought they were cute and healthy Halloween ideas that are really easy to make and wanted to share them.

  3. Oh these are so cute! I really like the orange pepper spider veggie tray. Thanks for sharing so many great ideas for Halloween without overindulging =)

    1. Thank you Kimmy for your comment- I think the tray is adorable too.

  4. Replies
    1. Michele,
      Thanks for stopping by- It is so simple yet so cute

  5. Your friend Gail, has some attractive and healthy ideas. It is possible to have a feast without too many carbs and sugars. I helped do a kids birthday and there was no refined sugar used. The kids loved it, they certainly did not leave hungry or out of control from sugar overload :) I love your examples of healthy snacks.
    Blogger's Pit Stop

    1. I think that we have become so accustomed to eating " heavy sugar and junk" at parties that we don't even think about it anymore.. I know I need to be more conscious of what I eat too and these are so healthy alternatives

  6. Pumpkin savory dishes can be very delicious, but candy is unfortunately or not, the real heart of the festival!

    best... mae at

    1. Mae,
      You are so right and no one is saying skip the candy ( except me) but these offer some additional fun ideas.. lol

  7. Replies
    1. thank you Beth and thank you for hosting Weekend Cooking.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you Cathy . I agree with you and when I saw them at my friends house, well I knew I would want to share on my blog with my readers

  9. My daughter makes the banana and tangerine snacks, so much healthier than candy. I'm visiting from Weekend Cooking.

    1. Linda,
      I think these ideas are adorable for Halloween season even for an after school snack

  10. My Daughter would love these Judee :) Thanks for linking up.

    1. Yes,
      they are healthy, gluten free, and vegan. They should work for everyone this Halloween.

  11. Thank you for your Halloween recipes and ideas! Those are great ideas!

    1. Cindy,
      Thank you for your feedback - Hope you find something that will work for you

  12. Great roundup! Sharing on G+. Thanks for linking up to Halloween Blog Hop 2017!

    1. I appreciate the share of my post. Thanks for stopping by, commenting, and hosting the Halloween Blog hop 2017

  13. Such cute ideas. Thanks for sharing your wonderful posts at Over The Moon Party.
    See you next week.

    1. I've been a fan of Over the Moon Party for a long time. Thanks for hosting, visiting my blog, and commenting.

  14. Judee, the Blogger's Pit Stop will feature this post with your yummy suggestions. Congratulations.
    Blogger's Pit Stop

    1. thank your so much for the feature. I'm new to Blogger's Pit Stop but it has become one of my favorite blog carnivals with so many interesting posts.

  15. I love to use pumpkins for serving pieces. It is such a great way to bring Halloween to the table.

    1. Yes,
      It proved to be very decorative as well as useful .. I am always looking for a themed presentation

  16. The tangerines and bananas are sooo cute even my kids would like them! These are great ideas to get them to munch on something that's not candy. I'll be pinning this to try this Halloween.
    Greetings from the Blogger's Pit Stop!

    1. They are adorable and so easy to make and really they are just fruit.. so cute for a Halloween party or get together

  17. I made the Mandarin orange pumpkins yesterday - totally forgot about the bananas. Cute and love that veggie octopus. #MMBC

  18. It is so refreshing to see some healthy alternatives to the sweets and snacks we normally see at every turn at this time of the year! #mmbc

  19. Fun, colourful and healthy, what a great combination and so creative #MMBC

  20. Super cute snack ideas; perfect for Hallowe'en! Alas, I think only the ghost bananas would stand a chance of consumption in this home. ;) #MMBC x

  21. What cute snacks!! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 5. Shared.

  22. How fun and creative and so perfect for Halloween!

    Happy Weds,Judee.

  23. Well, that was weird... I was typing a comment and hubby came in to say something to me & I looked back just in time to see my comment disappearing! WEIRD! Anyway, love what you've done with your veggies etc. Great job! You have a gift!

  24. Very clever!
    Thank you for joining us at

  25. Great ideas!! Thanks for sharing the My Big Fat Menopausal Life's Share the Wealth Party - Have a fabulous weekend!


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