Friday, June 3, 2016

Guilt Free Baked Donuts - GF and Easy for National Donut Day

Today is National Donut Day and Dunkin Donuts is giving away a free donut. For those of us who wouldn't dream of eating a fried, chemical laden, white sugar, white flour donut  -whether gluten free or not, I have a better guilt free alternative!

These beautiful donuts are baked, made with high fiber almond and coconut ( gluten free/grain free ) flours, and lower glycemic coconut sugar. These ingredients are all available at Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, and health food stores. In fact, many supermarkets carry almond, coconut flours ,and coconut sugar in their gluten free isles.

You can see that my ( gluten free) donuts look fabulous, and I can tell you that they taste fabulous too!

Are they difficult to make? Absolutely not! The prep is 5-8 minutes and they bake in the donut pan in just twenty minutes. If you want to glaze it in melted dark chocolate chips- that's another 5 minutes! So go ahead and indulge-

Let's face it. If it weren't being advertised all over TV and social media, would you even be thinking about donuts?  If you've watched the news this morning and are thinking about donuts, why not make your own healthier version. Then go ahead enjoy a donut today!

I bought an inexpensive donut baking pan. It so easy, just like making muffins!

Author: Judee Algazi
Prep Time: 5-8 minutes
Bake Time: 20 minutes
Makes: 6 doughnuts
Need: donut pan

1 cup of almond flour ( finely ground almonds) I get it at Trader Joe's
1/4 cup of coconut flour (Trader Joe or gluten free isle in supermarkets)
1/4 teaspoon of baking powder ( aluminum free)
1/8 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 cup of vanilla flavored almond or coconut milk
1 tsp. of pure vanilla extract
1/4 cup of olive oil or coconut oil
3 eggs, beaten
optional: chocolate chips if you are not going to ice the donuts ( ok , add chocolate chips even it you are going to ice the doughnuts) or sprinkle with grated coconut!

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix the dry ingredients ( almond flour, baking powder, and sea salt) and set aside
In another bowl, mix the wet ingredients together and add to the dry. Mix well with a spoon.
Spoon into the doughnut pan. Bake for 20 minutes

Quick Chocolate Glaze

Chocolate Icing #1:
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup chocolate chips ( I used dairy free)

Using a saucepan and a low flame, melt the chocolate chips and coconut oil together stirring frequently ( about 3  minutes) Remove from heat.  Spoon over donuts. This makes a smooth shiny icing. Set aside to dry for about 1 hour ( or icing will be sticky)

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  1. Judee, thanks so much for sharing a delicious, yet healthier option!! Regular donuts are filled with so many chemicals and I can't wait to try your recipe. I think my kids will love to help make these as well!!!! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I know that your kids will have making these fabulous donuts and then you can feel good about them eating them as they are high in fiber and nutrients and low in sugars.

  2. Happy Donut Day! These guilt-free donuts looks absolutely divine!!

    1. I know and Andrea they do taste divine too.. hope you get to try to make them

  3. This looks like a delicious recipe, Judee! I have the same donut pan, but have only used it once. I need your "tried and true" recipe. :-)


    1. Shirley,
      It's all in the pan. I love how the batter puffs into a perfect donut!

  4. HI Judee,
    I didn't realize they had national donuts day, but I guess they have a day for almost anything now. Anyways your recipe sounds great and so much healthier than the fat and chemical laden ones you buy at grocery stores. Thanks for sharing on Real Food Fridays. Pinned & tweeted!

    1. Hard to believe that we would be encouraged to eat doughnuts! This healthy version is delicious and works.

  5. Shut. The. Front. Door. YES!!! Thank You! I've been looking for a good Gluten free donut recipe. 😁

    1. Erin- so glad to help you out. Your son will love these donuts! Just visited your site and read the post about how you harvest your honey on your farm. The photos were fabulous and the honey looks amazing

  6. Oh I love that these are baked! I need one of those pans!Thanks for linking up to Merry Monday! Pinned! Have a great week!

  7. Yum! These donuts look amazing. Thank you for sharing at Simply Natural Saturdays.

  8. I was just telling a friend that I need to make room in my kitchen for a donut pan, especially with donut recipes like these! Yours are beautiful!

  9. These look so yummy! Thanks for sharing :)

    Edye | Http://

  10. What lovely donuts, Judee! They look so tempting! Thank you for sharing them with us at the Hearth and Soul Hop.

  11. Hi Judee,
    Your Donuts look awesome! Thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and come back to see us real soon!
    Miz Helen

  12. Thanks for sharing your wonderful posts at Over The Moon Party.
    See you next week.

  13. Judee, your donuts do look amazing! I love how wholesome this recipe is, whilst still being such a lovely treat. I like how you have frosted and decorated them as well. Thank you so much for sharing, and for being a part of Hearth and Soul. Pinned! Hope to 'see' you again this week!

    1. April,
      It is a wholesome easy recipe and delicious treat. Thanks for hosting

  14. Hi! These donuts look very delicious. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you and they are good. I appreciate your comment

  15. I do love a wholesome treat, and these donuts do look amazing! Eggnog is one of my favourite holiday flavours. It's so nice to be able to indulge a little without going totally off track. Sharing on the Hearth and Soul Facebook page, Judee! Thank you for being a part of Hearth and Soul.

    Thank you so much for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party. Hope to see you at the Christmas edition of the party which starts on Sunday 23rd December!


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.