Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Eggnog Baked Doughnuts ( Gluten Free )

chocolate glazed gluten free doughnuts

Doughnuts made with eggnog?  Perfect for Christmas morning AND Yes, they are fabulous and very easy to make.

Do you like eggnog? You will LOVE these healthy baked doughnuts ( I used So Delicious brand non dairy eggnog that is on the shelves for the holiday season ) but use any eggnog you like.

baked gluten free doughnuts

If you want to use the vegan Nog, it comes in a carton and is located on the shelf, not the refrigerator case.

Delicious brand vegan eggnog

eggnog doughnuts and a glass of eggnog ( DF and GF)
Eggnog doughnuts with chocolate chips added and a glass of eggnog 

a stack of gluten free eggnog doughnuts

I recently bought a doughnut baking pan which makes baking doughnuts so easy. All I did is fill the batter in the pan, popped it in the oven, and they came out as beautiful doughnuts. My grandkids went gaga over them so I know they are good!
baking pan for doughnuts
I bought my doughnut pan at AC Moore  or you can purchase online at
Wilton Nonstick 6-Cavity Donut Pan 
The batter in the doughnut baking pan

Let's get one thing straight- These are not that sweet donuts!!
And they taste best once they are completely cooled. 
You will probably want an icing.

1-2-3 and you have doughnuts!!!! Personally it was my first attempt at baking doughnuts using a  pan, and I couldn't believe how easy it was!

Author: Judee Algazi
Inspired by a recipe on: Grass Fed Girl
Prep Time: 5-8 minutes
Bake Time: 20 minutes
Makes: 6 doughnuts

1 cup of almond flour ( ground almonds) Trader Joe's sells bags of it
1/4 cup of coconut flour
pinch of sea salt
1/2 cup of eggnog ( I used a vegan eggnog by Delicious Coconut Brand )
1/4 cup of olive oil or coconut oil
3 eggs, beaten
1/4 cup maple syrup
optional: chocolate chips if you are not going to ice the donuts ( ok , add chocolate chips even it you are going to ice the doughnuts)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix the dry ingredients ( almond flour, baking powder, and sea salt) and set aside
In another bowl, mix the wet ingredients together and add to the dry. Mix well with a spoon.
Spoon into the doughnut pan. Bake for 20 minutes

Very Easy 5 minute Chocolate Icing

Chocolate Icing #1:
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup chocolate chips ( I used dairy free)

Using a saucepan and a low flame, melt the chocolate chips and coconut oil together stirring frequently ( about 3  minutes) Remove from heat.  Spoon over donuts. This makes a smooth shiny icing. Set aside to dry for about 1 hour ( or icing will be sticky)

Chocolate Icing # 2:
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup coconut sugar crystals
1/4 cup cocoa

Directions Icing #2:
Using a saucepan and a low flame melt coconut oil, coconut sugar crystals ( Trader Joe or Health food store) in a pan stirring frequently for about 2 minutes. Stir in cocoa and shut off heat. Use immediately. This makes a grittier consistency but very tasty.

This recipe will be shared on Beth Fish Reads- Weekend Cooking where anyone can share a food related post ( appears on Saturday)  

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photo of woman
  Wilton Nonstick 6-Cavity Donut Pan
 Please leave a comment so I know you stopped by. Scroll down to the end of the post and click on comments.


  1. I'm weak for ANYthing made with egg nog! These look and sound divine, Judee!


    1. Funny, we just finished the pumpkin craze - now we can start the eggnog craze!

  2. The second So Delicious comes out with sugar-free, vegan egg nog... I AM SO ON IT! I have always been sooooo curious about egg nog, I've never had it before!

    1. I know sans sugar would be healthier but what would it taste like? Maybe stevia ??

  3. I love baking donuts and I LOVE So Delicious Eggnog so this is the perfect recipe for me :) Merry Christmas!

    1. oh! You won't be dissapointed.. The egg nog is fabulous in the gluten free doughnuts

  4. Baked donuts are awesome. These look great!

    1. Bethany,
      I agree that baked donuts are awesome and you will love these. They are moist and delicious, not too sweet and healthy.

  5. Delicious, baked donuts love it, thanks for sharing with Hearth and soul blog hop pinning and tweeting.

    1. Hi Swathi,
      I try to post of Hearth abd Soul blog hop each week. I love the quality of the recipes that I find on this hop. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  6. Hi Judee,
    Your Egg Nog Doughnuts look awesome. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a great day.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

    1. Hi Miz Helen,
      Isn't egg nog a great addition to doughnuts. It adds a wonderful flavor that is perfect for the holidays.

  7. I love the idea of Eggnog Doughnuts and I especially love that they are baked, Judee! I had no idea you could get vegan eggnog - that is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing this recipe with us at the Hearth and Soul Hop.

    1. Hi April,
      I was thrilled to find the dairy free eggnog because we have family members that can't have dairy. It worked great in the doughtnuts

  8. These look so delicious! We have been whipping up gourmet gluten free waffles, it's so nice to have a good tasting bready product again! I have a question, do you need to use the coconut flour? Can I replace it with gluten free baking mix? This looks so good, I am pinning to come back to, again and again. And I need to get a doughnut pan, asap!!!

    1. Hi Nikki,
      I think you could leave out the coconut flour, although I think it makes the doughnuts a little moister. If you don't use coconut flour , you may be able to reduce the liquid - perhaps 2 eggs instead of three. Coconut flour absorbs the liquid. Let me know if you make the change and how it works out!

  9. These sound tasty! We love eggnog and are a totally GF household so I was all over this when I saw it on the Wholehearted Wednesday link party! You should come check out the gluten-free recipes I have, too, over at http://fearfultofearlessblog.com/

  10. I wish that egg nog addition was sugar-free because I NEED TO TRY THIS... However, I could probably stop being lazy and make a sugar-free/dairy-free version, RIGHT?!?!

  11. Eggnog donuts that are healthy too! love the addition of chocolate chips!

  12. You had me at eggnog!
    From #GFF

  13. Now these sound delicious!! Thanks for sharing on the What's for Dinner link up!

  14. I love So Delicious eggnog and I LOVE healthy donuts. This recipe was made for me :) Thanks for sharing just in time for the holidays!

  15. These sound really good I love that they are gluten free

  16. Oh wow, these look and sound amazing Judee, I love eggnog :) Thanks for joining us at The Wednesday Blog Hop.

  17. These look delicious! And I love that they're baked, not fried.

  18. Those look fabulous! Saved your recipe, so now I want to run out and get one of those doughnut pans to bake up a batch.

  19. Note: there is no baking powder in the ingredient list.

  20. You have me craving donuts right now! ;-)

  21. That’s a Pan I have never asked for because I’d probably use it too much! Great looking Doughnuts, I could several with my coffee right now.

  22. How festive! Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  23. Interesting recipe, will have to give it a try!! Thanks so much for linking up at #AThemedLinkup 6 for All Things Christmas. Shared.


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.