Monday, November 9, 2015

Quick and Easy Chinese Cabbage Soup

Think that you are too busy or too tired to make healthy homemade soup for your family? This Chinese Cabbage Soup can be made in a Jiffy.

I love making and eating homemade soup because it isn't overly salty, full of chemicals, or high in fat like packaged or canned soup  or soup from restaurants. Not only is homemade soup delicious, nourishing, and healthy, it can made relatively quickly. This flavorful Chinese Cabbage soup took only 10 minutes preparation and around 20-25 minutes to cook.

Why not try it? Cooking a pot of homemade soup warms your house, your belly, and the soothing aroma greets each person as he/she enters your home.

 I used Napa cabbage for this recipe, a soft flavorful cabbage that cooks up quickly and  cuts as easily as a head of lettuce. It's almost always available in regular supermarkets and Asian markets.
Combined with onions, carrots, fresh ginger and fresh garlic, this cabbage makes a wonderful Chinese style soothing light vegetable soup that is sure to please.

Garlic and ginger are powerful immune builders

Author: Judee Algazi from Gluten Free A-Z Blog
Prep: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Makes: 4-6 cups

5  cups of Napa cabbage, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 cup of chopped onion
2 cups of sliced carrot
1/4 cup of olive oil
1 small finger of chopped fresh ginger
Cracked pepper to taste
3 cups of boiling water
5 cups vegetable broth

Saute the onions and garlic in the oil in a soup pot for about 4 minutes ( stirring). Add the cabbage, carrot, and fresh ginger, toss and continue to saute and stir. After about 5 minutes add the water and vegetable broth, Cook for about 20 minutes about carrots are soft.

Check out all my recipes the easy way : Bloglovin 

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  1. Replies
    1. beena,
      Thanks or stopping by . I agree this is a very healthy soup and yet so easy and quick to make. That is my goal eat healthy in less time

  2. It made the most delicious and easy Saturday supper. I was good could such a simple recipe be? But it was rich and multilayered in flavor. That fresh ginger was the coup. Here's a phot of mine :-)))

    1. Lauraleh,
      Your photo did not come through, but I appreciate the feedback about the soup. So glad that you made it and enjoyed it. It's a good fast soup with lots of flavor.

  3. Bethany,
    Thanks for stopping by. This simple soup is interesting because it is so fast and easy to make such a delicious rich soup

  4. This looks great! I love using cabbage in soups. Thanks for linking up to Simply Natural Saturdays.

  5. So yummy! This is my kind of comfort food! Thanks for sharing your healthy and delectable Quick and Easy Chinese Cabbage Soup recipe with us on the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I'm pinning and sharing.

  6. Hi Judee,
    I just love your Cabbage Soup it looks fantastic! Your recipe is awesome, I have pinned it. We really enjoy you sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you again soon!
    Miz Helen


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