Sunday, September 27, 2015

Baby Brussels Sprouts Soup ( in 12 minutes)

brussels sprouts soup

 Baby Brussels sprouts soup is delicious and can be prepped and cooked rather quickly- in just 12 minutes.

This is one of my old favorites, and I'm bringing it back to share on Weekend Cooking and Souper Sunday (2 wonderful low key and more personal blog parties where anyone can share a food related post for Weekend Cooking or a soup, salad, or sammie recipe for Souper Sunday. 

Do you hate or love Brussels sprouts? 
For most people there is no in-between. 
If you love them, make this soup. 

If you haven't liked them in the past, I'm asking you to give them a chance. If they aren't overcooked, you might like like them. They actually taste like little cabbages. 

Brussels Sprouts, Vegetables, Cabbage
I've learned ways to cook this controversial vegetable so I now actually like Brussels sprouts (I didn't always), and I've been getting super excited about making fall soups since the weather has been getting cooler. 

Need a soup for Thanksgiving? 
The supermarkets, farmer's markets, and Trader Joe's ususally carry fresh stalks of farm fresh Brussels sprouts (of course feel free to use frozen- I did) around Thanksgiving. You might have to add 5-10 minutes to the cooking time if you use fresh Brussels sprouts because they tend to be not only firmer, but also larger than the petite frozen.

These are my favorite  frozen Brussels sprouts.
I remove them from the bag and cook them in the soup.

brussels sprouts on a stalk
Fresh brussels sprouts on a stalk - cut each sprout in half for this soup
This soup is perfect for the busy cook who likes healthy recipes. It took only 5-7 minutes to prep and 10-12 minutes to cook, yet it tasted warm, delicious, and comforting. It's a nice nutritious fall soup to add to your repertoire. 

How to Start To Acquire A Taste For Brussels Sprouts
If you you hate don't care for brussels sprouts, the best way to try them is roasting them. They come out crispy and crunchy and are absolutely delicious. I have never met anyone who hasn't tried and enjoyed  My recipe for : Wendy's crunchy and crispy Vegetable balls .
If you do like Brussels sprouts then you will love this soup. They sprouts are not mushy, smelly, or overcooked.  Enjoy it- it's soup weather.

 Judee Algazi from Gluten Free A-Z Blog
Prep Time: 5-7 minutes
Cook Time: 10-12 minutes
Serves: 4


1 pound small brussels sprouts- cut in half if fresh or
( I used frozen- Hanover petite Brussels Sprouts- no need to cut in half)
2-3 cloves of garlic, peeled and pressed or chopped
1 large leek- white part diced
2 medium shallots- peeled and sliced
2 medium carrots, diced
3 cups of water
3 cups of hot vegetable broth
Sea salt and cracked pepper to taste
1/4 cup of vegetable broth or 1 tablespoon of oil for sautéing the vegetables- your choice

Sauté the garlic, leeks,  shallots and carrots in a 3 quart soup pot. Add the small brussels sprouts ( if large cut in half) and the water. Bring to a boil and then reduce flame somewhat and cook for about 7 minutes. Add the vegetable broth and cook for an additional minute or two until hot. Taste and season with sea salt and pepper.
bowl of carrots, brussels sprouts and leeks
My Brussels Sprouts were from the frozen bag of petite sprouts- the black measuring cup holds my chopped leeks..

vegan brussels sprout soup

Last week I made a different vegan and gluten free Fall Vegetable Soup using yet another fall unusual vegetable- kohlrabi- plus, onions, carrots, and fresh garlic ( If you have never used kohlrabi, let me introduce you. It's kohlrabi's growing season, and the simple vegetable tastes like a potato but is very low in carbs and makes a DELICIOUS soup ).

My notes: 

  • I make this soup oil-free by choosing to sauté my vegetables in a little vegetable broth instead of some oil. I can't tell the difference in taste - so I save the calories.
  • If you don't have shallots, substitute 1/2 cup of chopped yellow onion. 
  • Like cabbage, Brussels sprouts are extremely flavorful in soup.
  • Fresh Brussel sprouts (if larger than baby size) need to be cut in half and may take a little longer to cook- BUT do not overcook- you won't like them.
  • For those squeamish about Brussels sprouts- use the frozen baby sprouts for this soup. 

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  1. Great recipe - we LOVE brussels sprouts but I've never tried them in a soup, what a great idea! Not to mention this is also a great meatless meal (we try to have one of those every week, too, to help out with the grocery bill!). Thank for sharing, pinned!

    1. I never would have thought to put the sprouts in soup either, but they are like little cabbages and do add a fabulous flavor and texture.

    2. Hello
      Katie, now that is a good idea, meatless Tuesday, use to do this growing up.. Thanks for the reminder….

  2. I never thought to put brussel sprouts in soup, but that is great idea. Luckily I am in the love camp. We are growing them for the first time this year. I can't wait to see how they do!

    1. How fabulous that you are growing your own! This soup could be a great way to eat them. How your Brussels sprouts grow well for you!

  3. Wow! What a great, fast, yummy sounding recipe.

    1. Pattie,
      You are so right. The soup is fast and easy and yummy if you like Brussels Sprouts. Some do , some don't

  4. OMG I LOVE BRUSSELS. I have to make my grocery list today, and this is definitely going on it! Thanks for sharing!!!

    1. You might as well try it since it is a homemade soup that takes on 12 minutes and is delicious and nutritious.

  5. You just gave me a reason to grow Brussel sprouts. This looks very delicious. Thank you for sharing at the Recipe Swap.

    1. Grow them? Wow I'm impressed. Home grown Brussel Sprouts must be delicious

  6. LOVE everything about this soup! Brussels Sprouts + leeks = BOMB!!!

    1. I am amazed how many people LOVE brussels sprouts. When I was young I hated them until I learned how to not overcook them. Now- I love them too..

  7. I love Brussel Sprouts but have never had them in soup, that is about to change. The leek and sprout soup looks and sounds really good and hearty. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

    1. Kathy,
      Brussels sprouts in soup is new to me too, but why not? we put cabbage in soup and brussels sprouts are like little mini cabbages. I'll see you next week at Clever Chicks Blog Hop

  8. Hi Judee,
    Wow this is another soup I've never had with brussels sprouts in it!
    I've pinned and I will look forward to making this recipe.
    Julie xo

  9. I actually love brussel sprouts... and i love leeks. I will have to give this a try

    1. So glad you stopped by. If you love both of these veggies, I'm sure that you will enjoy the soup

  10. This looks like it would be a low calorie soups as well. Thanks for sharing your recipe at the #AnythingGoes Link Party.

    1. It is a low calorie high in nutrient soup that happens to also taste good. Perfect for the fall

  11. I ove Brussels Sprouts but I make them the same way all of the time. It's so refreshing to have a new recipe to try using this tasty vegetable. Thank you so much for sharing this healthy and delicious Brussels Sprouts Soup with us at the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I'm pinning and sharing.

    1. Deborah,
      this was the first time I saw them in a soup and you know what- they are really good

  12. Hi Judee,
    What a great idea to use the Brussels Sprouts in such a delicious soup! I really appreciate you sharing your awesome post and your talent with us at Full Plate Thursday. Have a great weekend and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  13. Your post is awesome and thanks so much for sharing it with us at Full Plate Thursday,510. Hope you are having a great week and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  14. I adore brussels sprouts. YUMMMMMMM.

  15. OMG I have never thought to put little sprouts in soup, but this sure looks delicious!

  16. That sounds like a great idea. It would also fit my bad habit of putting leftover vegetables into boxed or canned soup. Why not Brussels sprouts! My favorite way to cook them has always been the Julia Child recipe.
    best… mae at

  17. I love Brussels sprouts, in face have some in fridge right now. This soup sounds good. John loves homemade soups.

  18. I am a Brussels sprouts fan if they are cooked correctly. Your soup looks hearty and delicious. Thank you for sharing it with Souper Sundays this week. ;-)

  19. I am not a big fan of brussel sprouts, but my husband is. I am a fan of a soup that takes almost no time at all to cook though.

  20. I love cabbage in soup, so this one caught my eye! Thank you Judee.

  21. Soup, glorious soup - with fresh brussels - the best.
    Saw your post at Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot!
    My entries this week are numbered #34+35
    Come and join us weekly at

  22. Wow. Must try this recipe as I never have thought to put Brussels sprouts in soup before I read your post at Traffic Jam Reboot Oct 23. My shares this time are #48 thru 51. Hope you and your readers enjoy the week ahead and stay well. Warm regards, Nancy Andres @ Colors 4 Health


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