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Friday, May 8, 2015

Homemade Almond Milk ( Fast and Easy )

Homemade almond milk in a jar

Making homemade almond milk is truly fast and easy. In fact, I made my very first batch of this creamy treat last week for the first time. It involved using only two ingredients: almonds and water, and had only four simple steps: soak, blend, strain, drink. After soaking, the entire process took me only 10-15 minutes. It was fun and tasted amazing!

I'm sold on only making my own because store bought almond milk is stored in containers that are lined with plastic and plastic leaches estrogens into the food. And many brands add chemicals. My homemade drink tastes just as good if not better and I store it in glass.

I've stopped buying plastic water bottles last year, but I didn't realize that cans and cardboard containers are lined with plastic as well. The convenience of buying containers of almond milk
( along with organic veg soup broth, canned beans, coconut milk) is exposing me to a continuous flow of estrogens which is linked to not only breast cancer but weight gain!  I'm making an effort to cut back.

If you want to understand more about the danger of estrogens in plastic ( water bottles, milk bottles, plastic lined cans and containers for milk, broth, soups,  plastic storage like Tupperware, etc.) and the link to obesity, breast cancer plus,  I'm including some informative links that I researched on the Internet.

Otherwise, just scroll down to the  Almond Milk Tutorial and enjoy!

Plastic Containers and Estrogens

Study: Plastic Leach Hormones

Exposure to Chemicals through Plastic

Almond Milk Tutorial

Author: Judee Algazi
Soak Time: 24 hours
Prep Time: 10-15 minutes

Supplies Needed:
Blender or high speed blender like a Vitamix
Fine meshed strainer or cheese cloth

Ingredients  : 
1 cup of organic raw almonds ( the almonds must be raw)
4 cups of filtered water

Add- in options: 1 tsp pure vanilla extract, pure almond extract, or any extract of your choice, cinnamon, soaked dates,  honey etc.

Cover the almonds with pure water and soak for 12 hours on the counter ( if you need to leave them longer , refrigerate for up to another 24 hours )
Discard the soaked water and then pop off the skins ( they will pop right off)
 and place almonds in the Vitamix or blender
Process until all almonds are blended and it becomes a smooth white liquid.
Pour the liquid into a cheesecloth lined bowl ( I used a very fine mesh strainer)
Allow to strain out all the particles and the liquid strains into a class bowl- squeeze out
and pour the almond milk into a Mason jar or jar of your choice.
bowl of water with soaked almonds
Almonds soaked in water for 24 hours or up to 48 hours if you can't get to it.
Vitamix filled with water and almonds
I made this batch without removing the skins; however, it is better to pop off the skins

mesh strainer for almond milk
I added the blended mixture to a fine mesh strainer to allow the milk to separate from the pulp
you could also use cheesecloth- when strained
Pour the milk into a glass container to store

Whether you have turned to almond milk and coconut milk as an alternative to dairy, or you just like some variety, making your own is a real treat and fast and easy!

Trust me,  I am not a fanatic or an alarmist who is trying to a slave to the kitchen spending hours making everything from scratch. I am concerned about the lack of information provided to the typical consumer ( you and me) about the health risks caused by some of the additives that are in processed foods and their containers and the things we just take for granted. The old saying, "Consumer Beware" is still valuable!

Disclaimer: If you click on the links and purchase anything from Amazon, I do receive a very very small compensation. This helps me defer the cost of running the blog. Thank you.
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  1. Has anyone ever calculated the cost per half-gallon vs store-bought? I would be very curious, as I pay a fortune for store-bought, but almonds come at a premium too. And how many pounds in a cup of raw almonds? (This would help me calculate price too. With so many people advocating making one's own nut milk, cost seems to be relegated to a back seat in all of this. I'm on a fixed-income, so I must also consider cost.
    can I use sliced almonds for this; Still one Cup? Thanks!

    1. JMS-JOY,

      A cup of almonds is about 1/4 of a pound of almonds
      So you should get 4 cups of almonds to a pound.

      In regard to your question about cost.
      I paid $7.99 for a pound of raw almonds at Trader Joe's.
      A pound of almonds has 4 cups
      The recipe calls for a cup of almonds and 4 cups of water
      It makes a qt. of almond milk for $2.00
      $4.00 for a half gallon of homemade almond milk
      That's about what I pay for store bought

      I hope that helps

  2. I love almond milk. Medjool dates are great for sweetening too. If you order almonds online direct from farmer you can get REALLY RAW, unpasteurized...otherwise even tho they say raw...they are not...by law they are pasteurized. Another note...you can soak anywhere from 8-24 hours...however water should be changed and almonds rinsed at least after 8-12 hours. Also, if u like creamier milk...use less water. Check out nut milk bags...( or even paint bags from Lowes) it works better than strainer...u get more milk...add cacao powder for chocolate milk...great bar for smoothie....it's worth trying and tastes so much better than store bought!!!

  3. Barbara,
    Thank you for all of this great information. I'm new to making the almond milk so I appreciate these helpful tips. I also noticed that you are in the Princeton area. I am about 20 minutes away in Bucks County!

  4. Barbara,
    Thank you for all of this great information. I'm new to making the almond milk so I appreciate these helpful tips. I also noticed that you are in the Princeton area. I am about 20 minutes away in Bucks County!

  5. This sounds awesome. I will definitely be trying to make me some almond milk. Thanks for the recipe.

    1. Trish,
      It's fun and really so easy and you will taste the difference. I added almond extract to one of the batches and we really loved the flavor

  6. Wow that is so cool! I want to try. Thanks for linking up to Snickerdoodle Sunday!

    1. Kristina,
      It was cool! It was my first time and I was surprised how easy it was to make your own almond milk! Give it a try and let me know

  7. You inspire me. It is so easy to ignore some of the unhealthy choices that come our way and buy them but it seems, it is not that difficult to make your own and feel good about it. Thanks for thism Judee.

  8. Chaya,
    You are so right, but we all get so busy and convenience is tempting. This is something that is so easy. You just have to remember to soak the almonds and then it's a 10 minute breeze and you'll have enough for the week. I think it freezes too. ( anyone know?)

  9. What a great way to try out almond milk and experiment with flavors without worrying about spending a fortune on store bought. Really you have no idea what might be in the store bought ones so this would be a way to ensure only the best for yourself! I haven't tried almond milk yet but I am looking forward to giving it a whirl!

    1. I agree. Processed foods just aren't the same and you do have to read the ingredients.
      This is so simple, why not make it? Thanks for stopping by.

  10. I love a new recipe and your Homemade Almond Milk is one of them. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

    1. I love to stop at your blog hop each week and thanks for the email reminders too..

  11. Almond milk is awesome, and this looks really easy. Thanks for posting. Hello from Mostly Homemade Mondays.

    1. We have become almond milk fans and now that I know how easy it to make, well I've been making it!

  12. it actually looks easy...almonds are so important to a heart healthy diet. Thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog Hop!

    1. Pam,
      yes almonds are healthy and homemade almond milk has so many more almonds than store bought

  13. Thanks for this, just what I needed. I will try it, so much healthier than store bought. I am visiting from Katherine's Corner.

    1. Marla,
      I just read that some almond milks are under investigation because they only contain 2 per cent almonds

  14. Hi Judee,
    What a great Tutorial, this is awesome! Hope you are having a great day and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday this week.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  15. I've often wondered how to make almond milk. Thank you for showing us how with your tutorial. Thanks for sharing at #AnythingGoes.

  16. Hi Judee,
    I love making almond milk but I find the cheesecloth messy to work with so I really like your finemesh strainer much better. I have to get one! Thanks for sharing this healthy and delicious recipe with us at
    the Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural Party Blog Hop! I’m pinning and sharing!

  17. I love almond milk! Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Merry Monday link party. Hope to see you again next week!

  18. Wow, would never have even thought to make my own. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  19. Thank you for sharing this excellent tutorial with us at Hearth and Soul, Judee. I've pinned it to my diary free recipes board. It's so much healthier and more frugal to make homemade almond milk!

    1. Thank you for pinning it..so appreciated. I'm not sure it is more frugal to make your own since store bought contains very few almonds compared to homemade.

  20. Congratulations!
    Your recipe is featured on Full Plate Thursday this week. Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy your new Red Plate!
    Miz Helen

    1. Thank you so much for the feature on Full Plate Thursday/ most appreciated

  21. Hi Judee,,
    Almond milk is so easy to make and so much healthy not just because of problems with plastic in the container but if you look the ingredients they only filtered water and the protein amount is pretty low. My understanding is that they only a very small amount of almonds in and then the rest is filtered water. It is a extremely expensive for what you are getting - making you own saves is so much for economical too. Pinning & tweeting.

  22. Great tutorial! I haven't make almond milk myself for a while but this has inspired me again. :)

    Thanks for link up with us for #HealthyVeganFridays! I’m Pinning and sharing!

  23. Oh I used to make almond milk... but suckered into the convenience of buying it when life got hectic. It's actually less hectic and this is a great reminder to make some myself again. I didn't even think about the toxins in the plastic bottle I buy... yuck :/ Not to mention the environmental impact.
    Thanks so much for linking at Healthy Vegan Fridays. I hope you're having a great week, Judee.

  24. Love making my own almond milk. So much better than store-bought without the carageenan and such. Also cost efficient. Thanks for sharing on Simply Natural Saturdays.

  25. I love your use of a fine mesh strainer when making almond milk. I find that method easier than squeezing milk through muslin or through a bag.

  26. Hmmm...this is very interesting about the plastic liners.
    I too am trying to get away from 'processed' foods and have started making a lot of things from scratch, such as butter.
    I will definitely try this!

    Thanks for sharing!

    - Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa,
      The almond milk is easy to make but I must share that it doesn't make a half gallon so it can be pricier to make your own


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