Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sweet Potato Crusted Spinach Pie

spinach and mushroom pie with sweet potato crust

This sweet potato crusted spinach/ cottage cheese pie is a simple to make yet elegant looking savory pie that will make a beautiful presentation at any dinner or brunch. Made with spinach, cottage cheese, eggs and grated cheese, this quiche-like recipe is packed with protein, fiber, and vegetables.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Spring Green Pea Soup ( make in 15 minutes)

 Pea soup in a cup

Got frozen or fresh green peas? This delicious fresh spring green pea soup is made from farm fresh or frozen green peas, organic romaine lettuce and organic parsley. It's a very simple combination of spring greens which produces a thick, but light, flavorful soup. Actually, I was surprised how good it tastes!

cup of vegan spring pea soup

If you are pressed for time but still want something healthy, then this soup is for you.  You can make it from start to finish in just 15 minutes. We all know that greens are really good for us, and this is a delightful way to eat your greens.

The romaine lettuce imparts a mild pleasant flavor into the soup and gives it a little fiber as well. The fresh (or frozen) green peas give the soup its bright green color, and the parsley just adds a little extra flavor. Together, when these greens are blended, they produce a rich tasting soup.

Now that it is growing season in most parts of the country, this is a great way to use up some of your abundant spring lettuce from your garden or from your CSA pick up!

Do you belong to a CSA? 

CSA stands for community supported agriculture. It is usually an organic farm that anyone in the community can join (in advance) and then be entitled to pick up organic vegetables one day a week during growing season.  I opted to take a half share which means my pickup will be every other Monday starting now and going through November. I believe there are CSA's in most communities across the US.

This week I'll be getting  broccoli raab, bok choy, romaine lettuce, butterhead lettuce, endive, escarole, dandelion greens, radishes and turnups plus a variety of herbs! I'm excited. ( Elise - if you are still reading my blog, I joined Anchor Run this year-)

Back to my soup- Vegan, gluten free, and delicious!

 Spring Green Pea Soup Recipe ( meets vegan and gluten free standards) 

Author: Judee Algazi- Gluten Free A-Z Blog
Prep Time : 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Blend Time: 5 minutes
Serves 4 cups of soup

4 cups of of Chopped Romaine Lettuce
1/2 chopped parsley
1 cup of frozen ( uncooked and thawed)  or fresh green peas
Olive or Coconut oil spray
4 and 1/2 cups of boiling vegetable broth or boiling filtered water ( I used water and it was great)
Himilayan Salt and cracked pepper to taste.

Saute the chopped lettuce in coconut oil spray in a large wide Dutch oven until slightly wilted . Add the chopped parsley and frozen peas and continue to saute for a few minutes making sure to coat all the vegetables- adding a few more sprays of oil if necessary. Add 4 and half cups of boiling water to the skillet. Cook an additional 5 minutes until vegetables are cooked but not overly cooked. Peas should stay green. Using an immersion blender , blend well but leaving the liquid just slightly chunky.. Add Himalayan salt and pepper to taste. Top with some chopped dandelion greens if desired. Serve immediately while hot OR eat a room temperature later.

lettuce on a chopping board

Spring Greens soup in a soup bowl

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Spiralizer Sweet Potato Curly Fries

spiralized sweet potato fries

Can One little kitchen gadget help make eating your vegetables happier, healthier, and easier?  These sweet potato curly fries blew me away. They are so easy to make and are baked, not fried, making them a healthy DELICIOUS choice that the entire family can enjoy.

sweet potato spirals
A spiralizer is not electric- it's a simple hand held kitchen tool
If you have a simple spiralizer, I'm sure you love it and use it as much as I do. If you don't have one, you can get one and they are inexpensive. It will change the way you make some of your vegetables and make eating vegetables more interesting, tastier, and easier.

 Spiralizers are relatively inexpensive ( around $15-$30 )  and can help you make amazing raw vegetable noodles from zucchini, beets, sweet potato, white potato, and butternut squash.  You get the feel of a noodle dish but the nutrients, calories, and carbs of a vegetable. You may remember one of my previous posts for zucchini noodles. All the taste without carbs!
plate of zucchini with tomato sauce

If you are looking for ways to cut down on calories and carbs, you can do so with a spiralizer!

  zucchini spaghetti .- low calorie and low carb- very high in taste

sweet potato spiralized

a bowl of sweet potato spirals
Before Baking
Today's recipe is a fun way to eat sweet potatoes.  I made the curls in 5 minutes by using my spiralizer.Then, I tossed the curls in a little oil, popped them on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper, and placed them into the oven while I went and did something else.

For crispy curly fries. bake about thirty -five minutes; For a softer noodle-like fry ( which is also good) ,  bake about 20-25  minutes.

They cook much faster than regular sweet potato fries because they are so much thinner. They do cook down somewhat, so I figure one medium - large potato per person.

Season Your Fries! 
  • Mexican Fries: Sprinkle with cumin 
  • Cinnamon Fries:  another hit!
  • Cajun Spicy Fries? Sprinkle with Cajun seasoning

How do you like to season your sweet potato fries?

I love the presentation of this healthy side dish, and let's not forget that they are naturally gluten free and vegan!

How do you buy a sprializer?

I bought the   Joyce Chen 51-0662, Saladacco Spiral Slicer, White which is simple to use and makes a  thinner spaghetti noodle strand than my Palermo. ( It also makes a ribbon like strand)

I also have one like this Palermo which makes a little thicker spaghetti type noodle strand.
Spiralizer By Palermo- Voted the Best Vegetable Maker, 

Truthfully, I like them both. But there are many other types of spiralizers available on Amazon to choose from as well like this smaller hand held model ( I've never tried it, but I've heard it works and it's in the $12.00 range.) I've also seen the small hand held ones in some stores.

Author: Gluten Free A-Z Blog
Prep Time  : 5-7 minutes
Bake Time: 35 minutes
Special Equipment: Spiralizer
Serves: 2 large or 4 small portions

2 large sweet potatoes, washed and peeled
1/4 cup of olive oil or coconut oil  ( or use olive oil or coconut oil spray)

Preheat oven to 375
Cut both ends of each sweet potato so they are straight and flat.
Follow the direction on your spiralizer for making spiral noodles ( they are many kinds of spiralizers).  When the noodles are cut ( sprialized) , toss with the olive oil OR spray with olive oil spray. Place parchment paper on a cookie sheet and then place the cut sweet potatoes on the parchment paper. Bake for abou 35 minutes for a crispy potato or about 25 minutes for a noodle like texture. ( Check after 20 minutes and toss if desired and check for burning)

sweet potato spirals
Toss with Olive Oil 

large cookies sheet with sweet potato fries
Place on a cookie sheet and bake

What kind of spiralizer to you use? How do you like it? 
Leave some comments for those who have never tried one before!
Eat more vegetables- to get life giving nutrients that aren't available in packaged processed food. Make every bite that you or your kids eat count towards your good health and avoid foods that take away from your good health.

When you are healthy you feel energetic, can accomplish more, and can enjoy life more. Kids who eat well can focus better in school and feel more balanced. Adding more fresh energizing vegetables to your diet is a first step in feeling good!

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  • If you are new to my blog and would like me to email you my recipes when I post them,  scroll to the top of my blog and look for my subscribe box in the right top column of the blog. Type in your email, click and check your emails for a confirmation and you need to confirm .

    Good food is my passion. I am gluten intolerant, busy. and strive for a healthy balanced lifestyle. It has taken me many years to develop and discover easy healthy recipes that meet gluten free, vegetarian/vegan and real food standards. On my blog I share my journey, my struggles, my discoveries, and my new recipes. I hope you find ideas, resources, and recipes that will be helpful to you. Come Back soon.
  • Don't miss a recipe - type your email in the subscription box on the upper right of the blog. I publish about one or two recipes a week.  ( you can unsubscribe at any time)

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    Disclaimer: I am an affiliate for Amazon and may be compensated a very ( very) small amount if you click on one of my links that take you to Amazon. This helps me defray the costs of running my blog. Thanks for any support.

    Tuesday, May 12, 2015

    What I learned at Weight Watchers

    Yes, I actually went to Weight Watchers because I gained weight over the winter. I've been trying to lose the weight on my own, but I realized that I needed some support. Don't get me wrong, I eat well; my meals are healthy real food meals. However, It's the quantity of good food that I eat plus the snacking that puts on the extra weight on me. For the past 2 months , I've been losing 3 pounds and gaining it back on the weekend. I felt out of control.

    In desperation, I went to a Weight Watchers meeting. The lecturer was interesting, helpful and inspiring! I learned a few tips that I think will get me on track .

    First of all, the lecturer  was older and  slim ( I liked that) , and she said she was a vegetarian ( like me).I was very curious to hear what she ate and how to start to approach trying to lose weight and stay motivated.I find as I am getting older, I have less discipline and patience for the thought of  food deprivation.

     I learned that on Weight Watchers you do not have deprive yourself-
    Although Weight Watchers encourages eating what they call Power Foods ( real food like vegetables, beans, fruit, nuts, chicken, fish, etc.) , you can make your own choices.

    If you want a cookie or ice cream you just have to account or it.

    It's like a budget. I get 26 points ( each food is assigned a point value)
    If I want to eat ice cream, I'm going to use up many more points than eating an apple or banana.
    In fact, fresh raw fruit has a zero point value.

    The main message at tonight's meeting was to record everything I eat daily! By doing that, you are supposed to become much more aware of what you are putting in your mouth. She said that in the course of a day, we often eat small things that we don't even realize.

    So, even if you pop 2 M and M's  in your mouth, even if you lick the spoon, or taste the soup you are preparing, you have to write it down .At the end of the day, you can really see how the little tastes of this and that you ate or polishing off the crust of your child's sandwich all add up and interfere with weight loss.

    Most of the people at the Weight Watchers meeting only had about 20 pounds to lose, and they were doing great. Everyone was saying how much better they feel with their weight loss of 10 pounds or 20 pounds ( so far) . There was one man there who had lost 100 pounds and was very very proud of his accomplishments ( he should be) . The leader said to focus on the reason you decided to come to the meeting and then think about it every time you want to snack.

    I received a booklet with the point values of a variety of foods as well as some suggested daily menus to get me started. I bought a little Plan and Track journal to record my food. ( or they give you a weekly paper one for free) .

    A few members who had been attending for a while and had had some weight loss, shared that recording what you eat every day so you are aware of what you are actually consuming was their key to success.

    So to sum it up -
    1. Record what you are eating and it's point value ( or you use calorie value)
    2. Don't guess the point value of a food- look it up then choose wisely. ( a brownie is 10 points- a banana is 0)
    3. Make a food plan- get rid of the junk in the house( yes, you will eat it)
    4. Carry healthy food with you in a baggy ( 10 almonds, or a hard boiled egg, a fruit, etc) when you will be out for a long time and become tired, hungry, or stressed. Be prepared.
    5. Stay focused on the reason that you wanted to come to Weight Watchers ( fit into my clothes that are way too tight, get ready for the beach, feel more comfortable, etc.) Staying focused on your reason for following a food plan will help. So what if it's a holiday or birthday, don't get into old habits. Choose wisely.
    6. Drink 6 -8 glasses on water daily
    7. Be aware of bad habits like eating when not hungry, or eating unconsciously, or finishing up the kids food, etc.

    My goal for this week:

    • Eat my allotted point value each day
    • record everything I eat 
    • plan my menus in advance so I know what I'm going to eat
    • be prepared when I go shopping or will be out by packing a low point snack ( banana? veggy sticks? a hard boiled egg? ) 
    • drink the encouraged 6-8 glasses of water a day
    • eat power foods ( real food as opposed to processed or prepared) 
    The lecturer stressed that it is important to know what you are going to eat in advance, otherwise you might just grab whatever is around when you are hungry, tired, or stressed out! That makes sense!

    My Sample Menu for Tomorrow: The Weight Watchers points are actually called Points Plus and personally my meals are all gluten free and vegetarian.  This overnight oatmeal is a timesaver and so delicious. 

    mason jar of overnight oatmeal with cinnamon and blackberries
                                          Click for recipe:  Weight Watchers Style overnight no cooking required oatmeal-

    Breakfast:  This oatmeal is creamy rich and delicious - No need to cook oatmeal. The overnight version is just assembled, put in the fridge overnight and it's ready in the morning.  Eat it cold like a parfait

    Overnight oatmeal , 1 add teaspoon of ground flax seeds, 6 berries   for a total of 5 Point Plus                         

    Bowl of salad

    Large tossed salad ( cabbage, romaine, parsley, tomatoes, cucumber, kale)                      0 Points Plus 
    1 TBSP. of flaxseed oil  and freshly squeezed lemon juice                                                3 Points Plus
    1/2 cup cooked chick peas                                                                                                   2 points Plus
    1 cup of my homemade vegetable soup (  Detox Soup)                                                    1 point Plus

    mason jar lunches of salad and beans
             I make my salads in advance in Mason jars for the week in advance: see salad shortcuts 

    Snack: Celery sticks and 1/4 cup of humus                                                                         2 Points Plus

    omelet with fresh herbs and feta
                                                                        Herbal Omelette 
    1 cup of my homemade vegetable soup ( is warm and filling)                                           1 Point Plus
    Herbal Omelette ( 2 eggs) with fat free feta cheese 1/4 cup                                                5 Points Plus
    chopped dill,  chopped cherry tomatoes, fresh basil and mint                                            0 Points Plus
    1 small sweet potato                                                                                                            3 Points Plus

    Snack:   3 cups of Air popped popped corn                                                                        3 Points Plus

    5 glasses of water throughout the day

    Total: 26 points plus

    I will be planning my meals all week and weighing in Next Tuesday. I'll keep you posted

    Read my other article : Lunch in a Jar

    Disclaimer: If you click on the links and purchase anything from Amazon, I do receive a very very small compensation. This helps me defer the cost of running the blog. Thank you.
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    Friday, May 8, 2015

    Homemade Almond Milk ( Fast and Easy )

    Homemade almond milk in a jar

    Making homemade almond milk is truly fast and easy. In fact, I made my very first batch of this creamy treat last week for the first time. It involved using only two ingredients: almonds and water, and had only four simple steps: soak, blend, strain, drink. After soaking, the entire process took me only 10-15 minutes. It was fun and tasted amazing!

    I'm sold on only making my own because store bought almond milk is stored in containers that are lined with plastic and plastic leaches estrogens into the food. And many brands add chemicals. My homemade drink tastes just as good if not better and I store it in glass.

    I've stopped buying plastic water bottles last year, but I didn't realize that cans and cardboard containers are lined with plastic as well. The convenience of buying containers of almond milk
    ( along with organic veg soup broth, canned beans, coconut milk) is exposing me to a continuous flow of estrogens which is linked to not only breast cancer but weight gain!  I'm making an effort to cut back.

    If you want to understand more about the danger of estrogens in plastic ( water bottles, milk bottles, plastic lined cans and containers for milk, broth, soups,  plastic storage like Tupperware, etc.) and the link to obesity, breast cancer plus,  I'm including some informative links that I researched on the Internet.

    Otherwise, just scroll down to the  Almond Milk Tutorial and enjoy!

    Plastic Containers and Estrogens

    Study: Plastic Leach Hormones

    Exposure to Chemicals through Plastic

    Almond Milk Tutorial

    Author: Judee Algazi
    Soak Time: 24 hours
    Prep Time: 10-15 minutes

    Supplies Needed:
    Blender or high speed blender like a Vitamix
    Fine meshed strainer or cheese cloth

    Ingredients  : 
    1 cup of organic raw almonds ( the almonds must be raw)
    4 cups of filtered water

    Add- in options: 1 tsp pure vanilla extract, pure almond extract, or any extract of your choice, cinnamon, soaked dates,  honey etc.

    Cover the almonds with pure water and soak for 12 hours on the counter ( if you need to leave them longer , refrigerate for up to another 24 hours )
    Discard the soaked water and then pop off the skins ( they will pop right off)
     and place almonds in the Vitamix or blender
    Process until all almonds are blended and it becomes a smooth white liquid.
    Pour the liquid into a cheesecloth lined bowl ( I used a very fine mesh strainer)
    Allow to strain out all the particles and the liquid strains into a class bowl- squeeze out
    and pour the almond milk into a Mason jar or jar of your choice.
    bowl of water with soaked almonds
    Almonds soaked in water for 24 hours or up to 48 hours if you can't get to it.
    Vitamix filled with water and almonds
    I made this batch without removing the skins; however, it is better to pop off the skins

    mesh strainer for almond milk
    I added the blended mixture to a fine mesh strainer to allow the milk to separate from the pulp
    you could also use cheesecloth- when strained
    Pour the milk into a glass container to store

    Whether you have turned to almond milk and coconut milk as an alternative to dairy, or you just like some variety, making your own is a real treat and fast and easy!

    Trust me,  I am not a fanatic or an alarmist who is trying to a slave to the kitchen spending hours making everything from scratch. I am concerned about the lack of information provided to the typical consumer ( you and me) about the health risks caused by some of the additives that are in processed foods and their containers and the things we just take for granted. The old saying, "Consumer Beware" is still valuable!

    Disclaimer: If you click on the links and purchase anything from Amazon, I do receive a very very small compensation. This helps me defer the cost of running the blog. Thank you.
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    Thursday, May 7, 2015

    How to be a Perfect Mother

    quote: how to be a perfect mother

    I love quotes because so few words can be so inspirational.
     I found this beautiful quote about mothers just in time for Mothers Day and realized how many of us can be hard on ourselves for not feeling like we are perfect at being mothers ( or whatever we do).

    In addition, many of us can also be hard on our own mothers ( or anyone) . We may harbor resentment because we felt or feel that they are not ( or were not) perfect.

    Mothers Day is a time to let go of negative feelings of not being enough and realize no one is perfect but everyone does millions of little things that make them good at what they do!

    Let' face it instead of the word mother, you could substitute the word father, sister, brother, son, daughter, friend, teacher, lover, neighbor, daughter in law, son in law, cousin, grandmother, grandfather, doctor, lawyer, blogger, writer, author, mechanic, plumber, etc. in that quote. It is such a good reminder that no matter who we are or what we do, we may not be able to be perfect, but there are millions of ways that we can and are really good at what we do.

    We are often so hard on ourselves because we don't feel perfect, but we forget the millions of things we do for others that are helpful, loving, caring, important, successful, valuable, things that make others happy, little things we do to support others, listen to others, encourage others, the little things that all add up not to make us perfect, but to make us good at who we are or what we do .

    Sometimes relationships are not perfect. 
    All of us have or have had mothers, some of us are mothers or will be mothers, many of us are grandmothers. On this special day designated to honoring, acknowledging, and appreciating mothers, on this special day called Mother's Day, remember that your mother may not have been perfect, none of us are -but take this time to remember the millions of little things she did for you, the millions of encouraging words she said to you, the millions of little sacrifices she made for you, how she loved you and cared for you. She did the best she could- just like all of us!

    Mothers Day is a day to count your blessings, it is a time for forgiveness of self and others, it is a time to be grateful  and reach out and acknowledge your mom, your sister, your grandmother, your friends and YOURSELF for the special people they are and the special person you are.

    To all of the mothers out there, I say remember:
    There is no way to be a perfect mother, but there are a millions ways to be a good one! ( and there are a million ways you probably are a good one. )

    Be kind to yourself and remember all of the millions of good things you do -

    Love Yourself and Have a Happy Mother's Day!

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    Good food is my passion. I am gluten intolerant, busy. and strive for a healthy balanced lifestyle. It has taken me many years to develop and discover easy healthy recipes that meet gluten free, vegetarian/vegan and real food standards. On my blog I share my journey, my struggles, my discoveries, and my new recipes. I hope you find ideas, resources, and recipes that will be helpful to you. Come Back soon.
  • Don't miss a recipe - type your email in the subscription box on the upper right of the blog. I publish about one or two recipes a week.  ( you can unsubscribe at any time)

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    Wednesday, May 6, 2015

    Help! Poison Ivy in My Mint Patch

    Can you help  me with a natural way to get rid of poison ivy in my mint garden?
    Twenty seven years ago when we moved into our house, I planted one lone little sprig of mint in the ground behind my deck. Within 3 years, it spread into a beautiful lush 10X4 herbal garden of mint.

    I can't tell you how much I enjoyed my mint patch. It is a perennial herb so it popped its head through the hard cold ground every March and would hang on, still producing meekly, until mid November!  The picture above is last season's patch in full bloom in June!

    I found so many ways to enjoy that mint.

    I added fresh mint to all my salads, omelettes, fruit salads, etc.
    I dried the mint and added it to my cooking
    I made minted drinks like mint tea, mint lemonade, and mojitoes
    I made mint pestos and added dried mint to my veggies
    I cut fresh mint to keep in a vase in my kitchen
    I enjoyed the beautiful aroma of the mint when the wind was blowing

    A bunch of fresh mint from my mint garden last summer
    Over the years we and our friends and neighbors have enjoyed the fruits of that plentiful patch of mint that grew literally like weeds and was invincible. It was invincible until this spring.

    Here's what happened. As usual, in the early early spring, I started to search for the little mint plants to break through the soil. I wasn't disappointed. The aromatic greens survived the harsh winter and returned in full force.

    Unfortunately, they weren't the only plants to arrive this year. The mint was now sharing the patch with a very healthy batch of poison ivy plants. Lots and lots of them throughout the entire minted area.

    I couldn't believe it, but it's true. I'm not even sure what to do .
    I know I have to get rid of the poison ivy or it will probably spread all around my yard.

    Unless one of my readers has a solution, I don't know how to get rid of the poison ivy without destroying the mint.

    Here's what I did so far: I covered myself  in plastic and tried to physically pull out the plants, but there were too many of them and some were very small. I doubt it was even effective because I couldn't get the root of those darn things.

    Do you think my mint garden is doomed? gone forever?
    Can I even get rid of the poison ivy?
    I'm no farmer- I would appreciate your 2 cents- any suggestions for how to rid the poison ivy naturally?

    When I researched Natural Solutions I found 
    1. Spray leaves with vinegar and salt solution
    2. Pour boiling water on the plants
    3. Pull out the plants ( very carefully) - don't burn them ( the fumes are toxic to the lungs) - bag them in plastic and tie well before discarding.

    Any suggestions how to salvage my mint or do I have to forget it and start over again in another spot?

    Some of My Previous Recipes Using Fresh Mint

                                       Frozen Kiwi Mojito with Mint  ( virgin and alcohol version)

    Beet Salad with Mint, lemon, and celery

    Cold Yogurt Cucumber Soup with Fresh Mint

    Jicama Mint Salad 

    How to grow herbs on your windowsill or deck ( how to dry mint) 

    I need recipe testers : are you willing to test a recipe ( or two or three) and answer a few questions.?
    contact me at or leave a comment at the end of the post. thanks
    1. rate the recipe 1-10 on taste
    2. Were the instructions clear?
    3. Did the recipe turn out well ?
    4. Any adaptations you would suggest?
    5. Rate the recipe on ease? 1-10
    6. Any comments?

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    Good food is my passion. I am gluten intolerant, busy. and strive for a healthy balanced lifestyle. It has taken me many years to develop and discover easy healthy recipes that meet gluten free, vegetarian/vegan and real food standards. On my blog I share my journey, my struggles, my discoveries, and my new recipes. I hope you find ideas, resources, and recipes that will be helpful to you. Come Back soon.
  • Don't miss a recipe - type your email in the subscription box on the upper right of the blog. I publish about one or two recipes a week.  ( you can unsubscribe at any time)

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