Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Conscious Parent: Book Review

 Raising children is not always easy.  Do you get into power struggles or just don't know how to diffuse an argument? I just read a book that helps parents learn strategies to keep peace and harmony in their home and in all relationships. Guess who it starts with? The parent .. All of us have our own issues and baggage, hopes and dreams for our kids. It's often our very own expectations, hopes, and fears, that can exasperate relationships.

I just love the book called The Conscious Parent written by Dr. Shafali Tsabary, A New York clinical psychologist who uses a mix of Eastern and Western philosophy to find ways to explore our relationship with own self so we can ultimately improve all of our relationships-

Her book deals with one of the most intimate relationships, parenting, but her ideas help us to transform ourselves first -so we can empower our children. No matter what the age of  your kids, you can benefit from this book.

I watched her video with Oprah and an interview today with Marie Forleo- both were great!
Dr. Shafali has a spiritual approach to fixing our relationships starting with first understanding our expectations with ourself and  then helping us to understanding why certain behaviors in other people trigger us or make us angry or frustrated.

I consider it a book in self ( emotional) healing with great strategies to make your relationships work better because you can see where the problem is really coming from within yourself! Makes sense!

You can read about and buy her book on Amazon : The Conscious Parent ( you can get the kindle edition ) It's worth the read !


Have you read the book or have you heard of it? Let me know what you thought about it.

Disclaimer: Yes, I do receive a very very small compensation from Amazon when you click through my blog to buy something. These very small compensations help me defray the cost of running my blog. I appreciate your purchases. I would never recommend a product unless I saw excellent value in it. This is one of those books!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Cauliflower Mock Mashed Potatoes

cauliflower mashed like mashed potatoes

Does a bowl of homemade mashed cauliflower taste as warm and creamy as a bowl of homemade mashed potatoes?  Not exactly, but the feeling is pretty close. 

I have tried all kinds of recipes that call for cauliflower as a substitute for starchier ingredients like potatoes and rice, and they are all good!

Cauliflower is easy to make, cooks up quickly, and has a mild flavor that kind of picks up the flavors of the other ingredients in a recipe. This bowl of mock mashed "Potatoes" taste like comfort food to me. 

What I like the best about cauliflower is that is is low in both calories and carbs. 
It makes for a healthy side dish that doesn't pack on the weight. It provides about 25 calories in 1 cup of cauliflower.

Cauliflower is a nutritious vegetable as well. It is a good source of vitamin C, B vitamins, and minerals. In addition, cauliflower contains powerful anti cancer oxidants. 

There are so many interesting cauliflower recipes available, why not try some. 
Here are some of the ones I've tried in the past. 

Cauliflower Crust Pizza     ( cauliflower crust instead of pizza crust) 

Breadsticks                         ( cauliflower crust) 

Cauliflower Cous Cous       ( cauliflower as a substitute for cous cous) 

Riced cauliflower pilaf    ( cauliflower as a substitute for rice) 

Cauliflower Cheese Fritters  ( nice side dish) 

I think this mashed cauliflower is the definitely the easiest and fastest to make, but the cauliflower pizza crust and breadsticks are always my favorite because they really taste nothing like cauliflower and get crispy and crunchy. The mashed cauliflower retains the most vey mild cauliflower taste. 

cauliflower whipped in a bowl

Try it. I think your entire family will like it. 

It is of course gluten free, vegan, and delicious. Enjoy

Author: Judee Algazi 
Blog: Gluten Free A-Z 
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Serves: 4 small servings

1 med cauliflower , cut up into med size flowerettes
1/4 warm vegetable broth
2 Tablespoons Greek Yogurt ( plain) ( substitute almond milk for vegan) 
1 Teaspoon of 21 Salute  ( from Trader Joes) or any salt free seasoning
salt and pepper to taste
Optional : Butter to taste 

Steam the cauliflower in a saucepan until medium soft. Using a fork, mash the cauliflower and add the remainder of the ingredients until well blended. use an immersion blender if smoother consistency is desired. 

cut up cauliflower on a cutting board
Cut the cauliflower into chunk size pieces before steaming 

cooked and mashed cauliflower
I just mashed it with a fork, but you could use an immersion blender

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    Good food is my passion. I am gluten intolerant, busy. and strive for a healthy balanced lifestyle. It has taken me many years to develop and discover easy healthy recipes that meet gluten free, vegetarian/vegan and real food standards. On my blog I share my journey, my struggles, my discoveries, and my new recipes. I hope you find ideas, resources, and recipes that will be helpful to you. Come Back soon.
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    I just discovered Simply Natural Saturdays Blog Hop at The Pistachio Project 
    One Mom's journey of living Green and Crunchy

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    Friday, April 17, 2015

    Golden Beet Salad in Citrus Sauce

    salad of yellow beets

    I never realized before that beets come in a variety of colors. Although red beets are the most popular color, golden beets in shades of yellows and oranges are also available. I used the golden in this beautiful beet salad.

    My supermarket often carries the organic golden yellow/orange beets which are delightfully flavorful, do not stain the way red beets do, and have a thinner skin which does not need to be peeled. ( but I did anyway) .

    Nutritionally, the golden beet contains b-xanthin pigment while the red beed contains betalain pigment. Red and yellow beets are both rich in nutrients, with the yellow provides the same kind of vitamins that most yellow/orange vegetables contain ( like carrots) .

    fresh yellow beets with greens
    This is the way they look in the store 

    peeled and cut golden beets
    This is how they look peeled and chopped

    Their golden color makes an appealing dish no matter what the recipe. I like to make mine in a citrus dressing because I think the citrus enhances the taste of the yellow beets. In addition, I like to add some diced organic red apple and some freshly chopped fresh mint. 

    Beets are surprisingly low in calories ( 42 calories in 1/2 cup of beets), almost no fat, 3 grams of fiber , and packed with minerals and antioxidants. A healthy choice ! 

     if you don't like the mess associated with the traditional red beet, substitute the golden beet in any of your recipes. Of course like all vegetables, beets are naturally gluten free and vegan.

    Author: Judee Algazi
    Prep: 10-15 minutes
    Cook Time: 10 minutes

    2 large organic golden yellow beets, peeled and chopped in large chunks
    1 cup of diced red apple ( I use organic and leave the skin on)
    1 navel orange, peeled and chopped in large chunks

    Citrus Sauce: 
    1/2 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice
    1/4 cup of chopped fresh mint
    1 teaspoon of cinnamon
    optional: 2 Teaspoons of a flavored balsamic vinegar ( like pear cranberry) 
    Mix all ingredients together toss over the salad. 


    Place the chopped beets in a vegetable steamer basket and place in a 4 quart pot. Fill with 2 cups water and steam until the beets are tender ( about 10 minutes) Be careful that the water does not evaporate completely while cooking ( add more if the water starts to get very low) .  While beets are cooking, chop your apple and orange,.When beets are tender, mix the cooked beets with the chopped red apple and orange chunks. Toss with the dressing.

    My Notes: The combination of flavors in this dish are outrageous. Cooked beets, crunchy apple, and fresh orange are fabulous with the fresh mint, orange juice and cinnamon. The only variation I would offer is to add walnuts for kind of a Waldorf Salad idea. Beets are natural cleansers and help aid the in keeping the liver clean.

    yellow beet salad with chopped apples

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    golden beets, chopped apple, chopped mint in dressing

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             Super Sunday  ( from Kahakai Kitchen) 


                home of BIZZY people where cooking is fun, quick, easy and delicious. 

    and featured also on Real Food Fridays  a blog for living the real healthy lifestyle. 

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    Good food is my passion. I am gluten intolerant, busy. and strive for a healthy balanced lifestyle. It has taken me many years to develop and discover easy healthy recipes that meet gluten free, vegetarian/vegan and real food standards. On my blog I share my journey, my struggles, my discoveries, and my new recipes. I hope you find ideas, resources, and recipes that will be helpful to you. Come Back soon.
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    I just discovered Simply Natural Saturdays Blog Hop at The Pistachio Project 
    One Mom's journey of living Green and Crunchy


    Wednesday, April 15, 2015

    Baking Soda- Miracle Cure ?

    Baking Soda is a simple product that just about everyone keeps in his or her kitchen.  A small container can cost under one dollar. I've always used baking soda ( bicarbonate of soda) in my refrigerator to absorb odor and to help my muffins rise! - but I never knew it could help balance your PH and improve your health.

     Well, I'm finding out that bicarbonate of soda can also play a role in helping us lower our risk of disease like diabetes and even some cancers. 

    Today I received an E-mail from Dr. Josh Axe ( a chiropractor on line that I follow)  who has a website with lots of informative health information.

    Dr. Josh Axe 

    His post was about the vast amount of ways one can use baking soda both medicinally and for non toxic cleaning in the house. The list was really interesting and helpful. I would have never have guessed how useful and versatile this inexpensive product can be and how beneficial for one's health.

    Here are a few of the simple examples that he suggests using baking soda,

    Some very basic uses:

    • for stomach pain
    • digestive problems
    • bloat and gas
    • neutralizes acid in the body
    • balances body ph necessary to fight disease
    • helps reduce symptoms of gout
    • shortens length of colds and flu, coughs, sore throats
    • helps with urinary tract infections
    • helps muscle pain 
    • promotes kidney health
    • a body with a balanced ph fights disease better
    • insect bites
    • poison ivy 

    In addition to the benefits for health, baking soda is a great non toxic cleaner for the house . Read his post to learn how much to use, how to use it, and look through lots of additional ideas,

    33 surprising uses for baking soda   ( Dr. Axe) 

    For Disease and health: 
    Dr. Young says you can REVERSE DISEASE by alkalizing the ph of your body ( baking soda can help do that) 

     It can also be used in serious illness too which is explained in Dr. Robert Young's video. 

    Dr. Young explains how important it is to balance the ph for reversing diabetes and for weight loss.*Dr. Robert Young has written many books on PH balance and how important it is in 
    (reversing) diabetes and even cancer. His video is very interesting. I linked one of his 8 minute youtube videos about reversing diabetes. Worth watching it!

    Video about baking soda, ph, and reversing diabetes ( Dr. Young)

    Video more about diabetes and alkalizing ( Dr. Young)

    Disclaimer: This post is for educational purposes only. I am not a medical doctor and I am not trying to diagnose or treat disease. I have no affiliation with these links and do not benefit in any way from the links from Dr. Axe or video links from Dr. Young.

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    Good food is my passion. I am gluten intolerant, busy. and strive for a healthy balanced lifestyle. It has taken me many years to develop and discover easy healthy recipes that meet gluten free, vegetarian/vegan and real food standards. On my blog I share my journey, my struggles, my discoveries, and my new recipes. I hope you find ideas, resources, and recipes that will be helpful to you. Come Back soon.

  • Author: Judee Algazi

     Please leave a comment so I know you stopped by. I love comments and love to be introduced to your blog. I usually visit and follow your blog on G+ , Bloglovin, and Twitter. Thanks for stopping by. To Comment: Scroll down to the end of the post and click on comments

  • Disclaimers: 
  • The information on this blog is for educational purposes only. Always check with your doctor before making changes to your diet.
  • I am an affiliate for Amazon and receive a very small compensation when you buy anything from Amazon by clicking on to Amazon from my blog - This helps me defray the cost of my blog expenses. Thank you for your support.

    My notes: Be sure to use a baking soda that is aluminum free.

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    Friday, April 10, 2015

    Raspberries and Chocolate- 1 Point Plus

    raspberries and chocolate chips

    This is a great idea for a decadent but low calorie healthy dessert.  I'm back on Weight Watchers ( trying to lose 10 pounds) and am searching for good choices when I want a snack. I saw this raspberry and chocolate dessert on the Weight Watchers blog, and it was love at first sight and bite. I couldn't wait to try it .

    I wasn't disappointed. I would have loved the chocolate chips by themselves or the raspberries by themselves, but together - well it brought me to a whole new level. 8 raspberries each filled with one semi sweet chip is only 1 Point Plus for all of them! YUM!

    Raspberries and chocolate are a perfect match. You still get to eat your healthy fresh fruit ( Zero Points Plus) enhanced with just a hint of dark chocolate ( dark chocolate is good too and provides antioxidants and magnesium) A entire tablespoon of semi sweet dark chocolate chips (about 16 chips) has only 2 Points Plus. Remember, you can have 8 stuffed raspberries for just one point plus!!!!

    plate of red raspberries and dairy free chocolate chips

     Raspberries are low in sugar, a little tart, packed with antioxidants and have a perfect opening for that tiny little piece of rich dark chocolate. If you have to have a little sugar, I think this dessert is a better choice than cake, cookies, or consuming low calorie desserts using artificial sweeteners
    ( which I never use because they are really bad for you and actually contribute to weight gain.)

    Why do artificial sweeteners contribute to weight gain? Your body can't really digest artificial sweeteners because they are chemicals not food, so the body doesn't know what to do with them. It stores what it perceives as toxins in your fat reserves expanding your fat deposits.) Who want's that?  Studies have actually shown that people who use artificial sweeteners regularly gain inches. In addition, who wants extra toxins playing all kinds of havoc in your body????

    Back to the dessert: It looks so pretty and appealing too.

    You can make this in advance in just minutes, refrigerate it, and serve whenever you are ready. A little whipped cream or whipped coconut cream wouldn't hurt either, but let's not get carried away.

    I love how fast and simple it is to assemble and how delicious each little morsel tastes- It is definitely a crowd pleaser.

    So, whether you are just craving something chocolate , are following Weight Watchers and want a low calorie treat, or are having company and need an elegant dessert that is vegan, gluten free, and fresh- This is it- enjoy!!

    1 pint of organic raspberries, lightly sprayed with water and patted dry.
    2 Tablespoons of semi sweet ( non dairy) dark chocolate chips
    ( about 32 chips- each serving is 1/2 Tablespoon of chips- 8 chips

    Place a chocolate chip inside the cavity of each raspberry. Display on an elegant dish.
    Serving size: 8 stuffed raspberries
    Points Plus Value: 1 Point Plus

    My Personal Notes:
    1. Use only dairy free semi sweet chocolate chips.
     2. Since this recipe has no leaven, it is also perfectly permissible for Passover ( use Kosher for Passover chips)

    Like my recipes?  you can see them all here: Recipes or scroll to the top of the page right hand side and submit your email. Each time I post the recipe will be delivered to you in your email.

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    Good food is my passion. I am gluten intolerant, busy. and strive for a healthy balanced lifestyle. It has taken me many years to develop and discover easy healthy recipes that meet gluten free, vegetarian/vegan and real food standards. On my blog I share my journey, my struggles, my discoveries, and my new recipes. I hope you find ideas, resources, and recipes that will be helpful to you. Come Back soon.
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    I just discovered Simply Natural Saturdays Blog Hop at The Pistachio Project 
    One Mom's journey of living Green and Crunchy