Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Why I blog- The Virtual Tour

The other day I looked at Face Book and noticed that Amy Kathleen Kelsch from a blog called The Mindful Shopper  had passed on the Virtual Tour Baton to three other bloggers . What I didn't realize at first was that I was one of them! 

This was such a nice surprise especially since I've only recently been introduced to Amy's inspiring blog. The Mindful Shopper is a blog-style shopping website created by Amy Kathleen Kelsch, an expert at finding special items- something for all budgets, personalities, and styles. Her blog is fun and uplifting with lots of beautiful color and photos. I enjoyed reading through her Father's Day suggestions and many of her other posts! I was introduced to so many interesting shopping ideas that I would never of even known about! If you haven't dropped by her blog, I'm sure it is one that you will enjoy. The Mindful Shopper 


The Virtual Tour is a weekly blogger's event where bloggers are invited by other bloggers to participate. They then share about themselves and then pass the baton on to three others bloggers who share about themselves and then pass on the baton again etc.. 

It is  an opportunity for my readers to get a peek into who I am, to learn a little about my life, and  understand more about my mission for my blog. Blogging is a big part of my life right now- I meet wonderful people and make great connections. Thank you Amy for inviting me to participate. 
Each of the bloggers participating  focus on answering the same four questions.


Here are the questions: 

Question #1 What am I working on?

At present I am working on a few things. I am planning a series for my blog called
Healty Meals Made Easy. I know that we all want to eat well, but it is difficult to find the time to shop, prepare and cook every night. The ideas in the series will focus on making cooking easier and healthier. In addition, I'm working on adding weekly feature called Informative Friday which will highlight valuable cutting edge articles that I find during the week about healing, healthy eating, GMO's, and healthy lifestyle.  Finally, I am working on a real food simplified cookbook that I hope to complete by Thanksgiving.


(2) How Does My Work Differ From Others Of Its Genre?
I am a gluten free blogger. However, my blog differs from other gluten free blogs in that all my recipes are vegetarian and I only use real food ( as opposed to processed food) . I take great pride to develop ways I can make real food taste great and still take into consideration my readers busy schedules. I give tips on how to get in and out of the kitchen quickly while providing healthy nourishing meals for one's family. I also use "normal" ingredients that are easily accessible and affordable.


(3) Why Do I Write What I Do?
I initially started to write by my blog to help me organize and keep track of my recipes and provide an electronic place for family members to find my recipes. It didn't take long before I realized that there were many others out there whom were also looking for healthy, easy to make, gluten free recipes. Many families seem to be interested in cutting down on the amount of meat in their menus.  The recipes on my blog seemed to be a perfect fit!


4 How does my writing process work? 

Every recipe that I make has a story, and I love to share it's story with my readers. I very seldom use a recipe from a cookbook;  I  usually develop my own recipes. For me it's a creative activity.  I start by visiting the market or local farm. The produce talks to me and it inspires ideas! I come home and begin my masterpieces. Once I develop a recipe, it's easy for me to write about. I simply share its story. Sometimes, I'm surprised how one of my simplest recipes becomes one of the favorites and most looked at on the blog. 

Deborah Davis- Deborah's blog is called Urbane Natural. She says it was developed to help inform and shape your path to living healthy, green and natural by design. I find so many wonderful ideas on Deborah's blog. It's fun and uplifting!

Diane - Diane's Blog is called Simple Living and Eating. She says it is a blog about living and eating in harmony with the planet through seasonal eating with the Mediterranean Diet and Traditional cooking. Diane emphasizes simplifying your life and deciding what's most important to you. I love Diane's recipes and interesting posts.

Deb in Hawaii- Deb's blog is called Kahakai Kitchen. Deb shares absolutely beautiful photos and healthy food recipes. Deb lives in Hawaii and says that her blog is about cooking, eating, and living ( mostly healthy) in Paradise. I love her writing style and her unique posts. 

Please visit all of the blogs that I have passed on the Baton too. They are all favorites of mine!
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