Boost your metabolism with this colorful salsa that is dressed in a tangy lime and cumin dressing.
The secret ingredient in this recipe known to help boost the metabolism is the jalapeño pepper.
You can enjoy this easy salad knowing that it may actually help you burn calories.
How can this simple recipe can help whittle your waistline and boost your metabolism ?
- "They" say you should eat at least 5-8 low calorie fruits or vegetables a day to build a strong immune system but not your waistline.
- "Weight Watchers" suggests focusing on nutrient dense power foods ( like vegetables and beans) to keep your weight down but your eating satisfaction up
- This one recipe contains tomatoes, red peppers, red onion, cilantro, cucumber and optional fresh corn and jalapeno pepper. A variety of antioxidant -rich low calorie health giving veggies in just one delicious serving of this
salad salsa.
- jalapeno is a thermogenic ( heat raising) vegetable that can help boost your metabolism ( you can leave out the jalapeno for kids or if you just don't like the heat!)
- Black beans are not only nutrient dense , but they provide much needed fiber that helps you rid your body of waste that can cause bloating and weight gain.
How can you eat this delicious salsa salad?
I love chopping and putting everything in these little bowls before assembling the salsa |
- Eat it as a fresh salad along with a meal
- Eat it with organic blue corn chips as an appetizer or snack
- Eat it topped with shredded cheese and baked at 400 degrees for 5 minutes as a meal
- Eat it over brown rice and topped with shredded cheese and baked as a meal.
This is a mixture adding raw corn cut off the cob and some chopped mango |
Once you make this, you won't want to wait to eat it.
Tomorrow I'll be making another skinny recipe. It's a Cinco de Mayo healthy dip.
. Don't forget to stop by.
What's your favorite salsa recipe?
Ingredients for Black Bean Salsa
1 container of cherry or grape tomatoes , each tomato cut in half
1 large red or yellow pepper , seeded and chopped
2 cups of cooked black beans or ( 1/ 15 ounce cans), drained well
1 cup chopped cucumber
3/4 cup chopped red onion
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
optional: 2 ears of organic non GMO corn on cob, kernels cut raw from the cob - leave them raw
( or 1 cup cooked corn, drained)
optional: 1/4 cup chopped of jalapeno pepper( or more to taste)
optional: 1 cup of chopped avocado added when serving
optional : 3/4 cup of shredded cheese of any variety
Juice of 1/2 fresh lemon
1/2 teaspoon of ground cumin, ( or more to taste)
Freshly cracked black pepper to taste
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Whether you make the black bean salsa or the mango salsa, either way you won't be disappointed.
They are so good and so easy to make, you can make them both.
Who doesn't want to get in on the fun for a Cinco de Mayo celebration?
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