Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ignite Your Metabolism

One Saturday, I attended a " Girls Day Out" annual extravaganza run by a business networking organization. There were over 60 vendors for women's services. These vendors facilitated specialty workshops throughout the day. I had my pulse read by an acupuncturist, my hairstyle analyzed , received all kinds of promotional freebies, and learned a lot.

I attended a workshop called " Ignite Your Metabolism" which was geared to help woman  understand how to eat healthier and keep their metabolism ignited to better help lose weight!

5 Interesting Points I learned From The Workshop:

1. Flour and sugar fall into a chemical category called "Isolates" . The processing of all flour and sugar products make their parts "isolated" and broken down into a powder- like substance that our bodies become hypersensitive to because they are addictive. That may explain why we keep craving more.Know what else is an isolate? - powdery and white Cocaine...

2.  Artificial Sweeteners are known as excitotoxins and can be very stimulating to our nervous systems. They make us crave, yes crave carbohydrates. So, they can actually make you hungrier and gain weight. In addition, they affect your brain cells in a negative way. Are you still drinking diet soda? How is your weight?

3. Coconut oil is a healthy oil that helps rid your body of toxins and provides healthy fat that is needed by our thyroid, hormones, and our brain. Coconut oil can actually help fuel your body to lose weight!

4.  Margarine is the closest thing to plastic in it's chemical make up.It is really not good for you even in small amounts. It affects our brains negatively! ( Please don't give it to kids) 
It's better to eat real butter which actually has health benefits and is a real food.

5. Preservatives and other chemicals in processed foods can make you gain weight.
Why? Our bodies perceive preservatives and chemicals as foreign substances. The body does not recognize them as food. Therefore, our body doesn't know what to do with them. To protect our organs from the invaders, our bodies store preservatives and chemicals in our fat. So, the more processed, toxic food you eat, the more the body wants to store it.
Why? because the body wants to protect the other organs from the intruders.  Who wants more stored fat??

I was inspired by the workshop and choose one baby step to further " Ignite My Metabolism".

I'm adding coconut oil to my diet...
                Do you use coconut oil? Does it help your metabolism?

 Here is an article by Dr. Oz that promotes the benefits of coconut oil 

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Quote of the day

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  1. I love the quote of the day. I should have learned this long ago. Sigh. Thanks for all the information. :)

  2. SO MUCH important information here - thank you, Judee!

  3. Another GREAT way to "ignite" your metabolism is to drink wheatgrass. I buy it in powdered form from WholeFoods. Simply mix a dash with a little water. Drink it first thing in the morning. I immediately lost 3 pounds and found that I could eat a little more during the way without gaining weight.

  4. I have found that if you over do the coconut oil you can become very gassy :)


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