Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Are you careful enough on your Gluten Free Diet?

I started  my blog in April of 2010-  3 years ago. I am running a repeat of one of my first ever posts. Because I was totally unknown at that time, only nineteen people viewed it.

Are you not careful enough on your gluten free diet? Do you sometimes just feel like cheating?  If you have a gluten intolerance or have been diagnosed with Celiac disease you really need to take it seriously.

Interestingly enough, you may or may not experience noticeable symptoms when you cheat, but in the long run the consequences of eating gluten can still do serious damage be. Here's why.

Reason #1: Gluten can inflame or damage the intestine
For those with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance gluten damages the small intestine. There is no cure for celiac and no one outgrows it or develops a tolerance for gluten. It is genetic and runs in families. When you cheat and eat gluten, you inflame your intestines which can cause further damage.


Reason #2: Malnutrition
For those with celiac or gluten intolerance, damage to the small intestine is aggravated by eating any food with gluten. The impaired intestine is not able to digest or assimilate food properly. Gluten interferes with your intestine's ability to digest and assimilate vitamin and minerals. This can lead to many health problems including problems with nails, skin, eyesight, learning, memory, anemia, thyroid problems, etc.


If you know that you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, the best way to stay  healthy is to stick to your gluten free diet.

For those sensitive to gluten, gluten damages the villi of the small intestine. The villi are like small little fingers that line the small intestine. They absorb nutrients from the food we eat. When the villi are flattened or destroyed by gluten, nutrients are not absorbed. So, no matter how good your diet or no matter what medication you are taking, if your villi are not working well, you may not receive the benefit.

In addition, you may experience symptoms like loose stools, bloating, gas, and stomach discomfort. Anemia, osteoporosis, diabetes, thyroid disease and infertility are not uncommon in those with damaged villi and gluten intolerance.

Although the effects can be serious, the villi can repair themselves when gluten is not eaten.  Gluten is found in wheat, spelt, farina, semolina, triticale and kamut, barley, and rye. Oats do not contain gluten, but can cause problems because of cross contamination. So only oats that are marked gluten free should be trusted.

If you are not sure if you have celiac disease or not sure if you are sensitive to gluten, talk to your doctor.
If you would like more information go to my website and read GF Explained for explanations, resources, etc.

We are not medical doctors and are not trying to diagnose or treat disease. The information in this blog is for educational purposes only. Always check with your doctor before making any changes in your diet.

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  1. This is entirely true. I am not celiac but intolerant. Whenever I cheat I have to be prepared to suffer the consequence which always occurs. The GF diet sometimes gets boring even though I have a variety of menus. I have to get more serious about my GF diet though, I acknowledge that. Thanks for your reinforcing article.

    1. There are so many healthy foods that are gluten free..Have you tried quinoa or spaghetti squash? It can help add some variety to your diet

  2. I have a gluten intolerance and because it is not celiac people say ignorant things like, "there is just a small amount of flour in it" Like a small peanut won't hurt someone with a peanut allergy.

    I am going to print this and have those who give me grief read this. This is great information and better said than I ever could.
    Thank you so very much!!

    Sure there are times I wish to treat. And I admit I have to think, is it worth it? It never is so it makes it easy.

    1. I know how you feel. It is hard to be gluten free when it is so restrictive.

  3. I love very much vegetable because vegetable give us healthy.


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