chia seeds |
I don't usually eat weird food ( ok , I admit sometimes I do )
I've known for a long time that
chia seeds are good for you, but I never realized how good for you. These powerful little seeds are nature's wonders , and can really be a very easy addition to your diet.
You can buy chia seeds in any health food store or online
Chia seeds
I was visiting The Wellness Warrior where I read a post called 13 Awesome reasons to eat Chia seeds.
Chia seeds are true health providers: high in fiber, nutrients, antioxidants
(beats out the blueberry)and Omega 3's ( 8 times as much Omega 3 as in salmon). In addition, chia seeds have a positive impact on helping maintain balanced blood sugar levels .
I especially think that reasons # 3, # 7 and # 12 could help everyone! Chia seeds are tasteless, so they are especially easy to add to foods
, especially to boost the nutritional content for kids who tend to eat a lot of fast food !!
Do you ever get those little white bumpy pimples on the back of the arms or legs, the omega 3 in chia might help!
Chia seeds are not new; they have been around for a very long time. According to Wiki
Salvia hispanica, commonly known as chia, is a species of flowering plant in the mintfamily, Lamiaceae, native to central and southern Mexico and Guatemala. Chia seeds have always been part of their diets!
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Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor; this blog is for educational information only. Please check with your doctor before making any changes in your diet.
Here are The Wellness Warriors 13 reasons:
1. These seeds are gluten free
2. They are extremely high in dietary fiber, helping digestion and healing digestion issues.
3. It is high in Omega 3 ALA, making it a super food for the brain and heart. Can you believe that Chia seeds have eight times more Omega 3 than salmon!
4. 20% of chia seeds are protein
5. The makeup of the protein is a complete protein that includes all 8 of the essential amino acids
6. Has a very high antioxidant level (It has a four times higher ORAC value than blueberries)
7. Chia contains five times more calcium than milk
8. Chia contains seven times more vitamin C than oranges
9. It contains three times more iron than spinach
10. It contains twice the potassium content of banana
11. It is food that helps healthy skin, hair and nails
12. It has a positive impact balancing blood glucose levels
13. Chia makes a great egg replacement. Just combine with water to form a gel, and add it to recipes that call for egg.
How do you eat chia seeds?
Chia seeds are tiny little seeds that when placed in liquids will create a gel like substance. It makes a great pudding, it can be added to cereal or oatmeal, or added to a smoothie. I add them to my cooked oatmeal and then add some coconut milk as well. ( they do well in liquid)Actually, chia seeds do not have much of a taste so they can be added to anything. Soak them in a little water to allow them to expand. Add them after cooking to retain the nutrients.
chia pudding |
Chia Pudding
1/2 cup coconut milk ( or any milk of choice)
2 Tbsp chia seeds
1 Tablespoon pure vanilla extract
1 Tablespoon cinnamon or cocoa
1 Tablespoon pure maple syrup (optional) ( I didn't add sweeteners)
optional addition:
1/4 cup dry gluten free oats + 1/2 cup more coconut milk ( optional if you want it as a breakfast treat!)
1/2 cup blueberries or any chopped fruit
Mix all ingredients, cover and wait about 1 hour refridgerated before eating or cover and refrigerate overnight.
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Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and do not make any medical claims for chia seeds. This information is for educational purposes only. Please consult your doctor before adding any foods or making any changes to your diet.
Chia seeds can be bought in most health food stores, Whole Foods store, or ordered easily and maybe less expensive on Amazon
Chia seeds
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