Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pizza for Passover ( Grain Free)

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This pizza is perfect for Passover ( or anytime) because it is grain free.  It's light and crispy,  low in carbs,  and easy to make. It is delicious any time of the year, but is especially perfect for Passover.
Askenazi Jews ( those from Eastern European backgrounds as opposed to Jews from Middle Eastern backgrounds) do not eat rice or any flour with leavening during Passover. But they can eat  "riced cauliflower" which looks and behaves like rice in most recipes but is a vegetable.

Because this crust is made with raw cauliflower ( don't stop reading)  and then baked, it makes a perfect Passover dish. It's hard to believe because it doesn't taste like cauliflower. My husband loved it and thought it was made with rice . It makes a wonderful light dinner and doesn't leave us bloated or stuffed . I topped mine with sliced fresh tomatoes and herbs, but you could also put tomato sauce, additional cheese, and any toppings you like. If you do make it with tomato sauce, cook your crust first till cristpy; then add sauce and cheese and heat to melt cheese.  Eat it with a simple salad and or a cup of soup.

Break  Raw Cauliflower into Flowerettes

Place in processor with metal blade;Process on /off about 3 times quickly ( don't over do)

Will look like this when done

Mix Riced Cauliflower with eggs and cheese and seasoning.


Press into spring form pan as a crust ( or any pan) tomatoes optional


Bake in a preheated oven at 475 for about 10 minutes or until crispy

Top with cherry tomatoes, sauteed mushrooms , or sauce and any topping of choice.
 1 small head of cauliflower, riced in the processor
 2 eggs, beaten
 1 cup shredded parmesan or any shredded cheese
 Rosemary,basil, salt, cracked pepper, etc.
Mix "riced" cauliflower, eggs, cheese and seasoning.
Press into a spring form pan as a crust;
(should have enough to make two crusts.)
Heat in a preheated oven at 475 degrees for about 10-15 minutes. Watch carefully depends on your oven.

Other Real Food Recipes that can be made at Passover
Mexican Guacamole

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May be shared on a few of the following blog carnivals
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  1. Before I went vegan I loved this pizza crust. I have been trying to figure out how to make it without eggs and cheese. Do you have nay suggestions?

  2. This is one of those recipes that jumps at me. I can even make this before Passover, which makes it extra special.

    The idea of the cauliflower is ingenious and I am thrilled you shared it on my lnky.

  3. Thanks for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. I'm so excited to be co-hosting this week! This looks awesome and so healthy!
    As for Good Girl's question, I've had good luck with replacing egg with a tablespoon of ground flaxseed blended with 3 tablespoons lukewarm water for each egg in most recipes. And, vegan cheese is pretty good.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your great recipe with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great Spring week end and come back to see me real soon!
    Miz Helen

  5. how wonderful!!!!!Im trying this. Thank you so much for sharing on the Thursday hop. Sorry it's taken me a little while to get over here. Big Hugs!

  6. The pizza looks delicious, can't believe it is cauliflower for the crust. I wonder if I could sneak that one past my kids LOL.

  7. I love the idea of this nutritious crust. What a great way to serve pizza!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this with us on Natural Mothers Network's Seasonal Celebration.
    Warmly, Rebecca x

  9. Oh this looks so good, plus it's healthy too!

    Already your follower.

    I am inviting you to join our meatless recipe blog hop/showcase at http://olahmomma.com/momlounge. You are also very welcome to add your lovely blog here: http://olahmomma.com/momlounge/node/add/blog-list

    Hope to see ya there! Have a great day:)

    The Quiet Mom at http://olahmomma.com

  10. One of my favorite things about a blog hop is finding blogs like yours! I love the sound of this crust- I do one using zucchini and can't wait to try the cauliflower!

  11. That is SUCH a cool idea - never heard of it, would never have thought of it!!!

  12. I don't have any gluten issues but I have friends that do so I will pass it along to them but I am also anxious to try it myself. I wanted you to know I featured your post today on this week's Motivated Monday at beColorful

  13. Looking good. Thank you for sharing your recipes with Simply Delish.

  14. Thanks for posting these mouthwatering recipes. Five stars!

  15. Genius idea! I love it. I am avoiding wheat, and grains in general, at the moment. So this sounds ideal. Thanks!


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