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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fabulous Finds Wk 4

Welcome to today's fabulous finds from Pinterest. The finds can be kitchen tips, frugal ideas, or just great how to's . Hope you find something of interest to you. 

Fabulous Find #1 is  from a blog called Homemade Serenity This is amazing. You know the green onions you get in the supermarket? You can snip them and keep them growing indefinitely! Click here to find out how easy this is.. Never run out  of green onions again..

Fabulous Find #2 is from a blog called Home With Real Food
This is such a great idea for lunch box snacks for kids ( or adults).
It keeps sliced apples from turning brown. Click here for a simple tutorial

Fabulous Find #3 is from Martha Stewart
I love this one. I can never get fitted sheets folded flat and neat. Martha shares how click here.

Picture from Martha Stewart

Fabulous Find # 4 from a blog called 2 Little Hooligans
Make ice cream in a bag with simple ingredients in just 10 minutes. This is a fun project to make with kids. Click here for directions

Fabulous Find #5 This was posted on Crafter
Fabulous idea! Here's what to do click here

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I love to know who visited today, so please leave a comment by scrolling down to the end of the post and clicking on comments.


  1. As always, these are such great ideas - thank you for sharing!! I absolutely love the green onion one. I am absolutely trying that. Amazing! And that trick with the sliced apple is so cute. Finally, that illustration from Martha Stewart is so helpful! I've been taught so many times but for the life of me I cannot fold a fitted sheet! They end up rolled up in a crumpled ball.

  2. Love all of these fabulous finds. Thank you for linking to Totally Tutorial Tuesdays. I'm now your newest follower :)


  3. Thank You for sharing! My family of 9 is sure to benefit from your great ideas!

  4. The apple slice idea is great and I have done it.
    Sometimes I just wrap the sliced apple in saran wrap instead of using the elastic band. It works well.

  5. Hi there- found you through the hop and am a new follower. These are all great ideas! Thanks for the tips. I hope you have time to follow my life in South Africa by http://withoutcomplexities.blogspot.com

    I hope you are having a great week!

  6. these are so great! I really like the oinions. I used to do that with garlic in a little bud vase.


  7. These are brilliant! That apple tip will come in handy very soon! I'm a new follower from the Not Your Ordinary Recipes link up.

  8. I love the ingenius ideas! Thanks for sharing them too at Foodie Friday! Not Your Ordinary Recipes

  9. These are definitely some great ideas! Thanks for sharing with the Hearth and Soul blog hop.

  10. Hi Judde,

    I'm so happy I found your blog...I especially like your fabulous finds pages. I wanted to let you know about my website gluten-free-around-the-world.com I have a free gluten free eBook that I hope you will consider a fabulous find. I would love if you stop by and say hi...



Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.