Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Low Calorie Latkes

Hanuukah latkes

Whether you say Chanukah or Hanukkah everyone is eating latkes. I have been trying to be good about eating lighter, but the holidays are tough. It hasn't even been a week since we were gathered round the Thanksgiving table overindulging in a spectacular fall buffet. Now, six days later, it is time to start up again. We have eight days of  getting together with family and friends to celebrate Hanukkah, a holiday that requests that we eat food that has been fried in oil- traditionally, potato latkes.

When I was a kid, we ate homemade potato latkes every night of the eight nights of Chanukah. It was tradition, and we really looked forward to it. No one seemed concerned about the excessive calories or that we were eating fried food consecutively for eight nights. Not to mention that we smothered each bite of delicious potato latke in heavy full fat sour cream. My father could down 8-10 in one sitting.

Eventhough I don't usually fry food, I usually make latkes for at least one night of Hanukkah. I feel obligated . After all it is Hanukkah~ But this year, I am going to make a low calorie version. I am going to use grated broccoli instead of grated potatoes for my latkes and use a little olive oil spray to saute( not fry ) them.

This is not a recipe for die hards. This is certainly a compromise, and this low calorie version can't be compared with the taste of the real thing. Never the less, these latkes are tasty with about a quarter of the calories.

 This is a recipe similar to a recipe I got from a Weight Watchers magazine for a low calorie latke. Instead of using potatoes, it called for grated vegetables. Actually, it called for "broccoli slaw" which is sold in a bag in the produce section of most supermarkets.  It is a mixture of grated broccoli stalks and carrots. Low in calories, carbohydrates, and fat, yet high in antioxidants and fiber. It makes a low calorie substitute for traditional potato latkes. In addition, the batter is lightly sauteed in vegetable oil spray instead of being fried.

Eventhough it is not fried, I think it still counts as latkes..
Broccoli Slaw Latkes
1 bag broccoli slaw ( available in supermarket)
1 medium onion , grated
3/4 cup egg whites or egg beaters
3 Tablespoons rice flour or corn starch
1/4 cup ground almond meal ( optional)
salt, pepper, and any seasoning to taste
olive oil spray

Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl. Allow to sit for about 20-30  minutes. 
Spray a frying pan with olive oil spray. Drop ( 4 or 5 ) 1/4 cup clusters of mixture into skillet and saute until browned and then flip and cook other side until browned. Then place on oiled cookie sheet and bake at 200 degrees for 10 minutes.
Serve with applesauce or zero fat Greek yogurt.

Pictures Step by Step

Gather Ingredients

Mix bag of broccoli slaw, egg whites, grated onion, corn starch , and seasoning in large bowl

Spray a skillet with olive oil spray and drop clusters of grated broccoli slaw into the pan
Saute until brown on both sides and then bake in oven at 200 degrees for 10 minutes

Serve topped with Greek Yogurt or Applesauce
Happy Hanukkah


  1. Such a healthy and yummy snack! Looks great, I can finish up those in no time..

  2. They look delicious!! Happy chanukah!

  3. How interesting, I've never heard of broccoli slaw. It looks like there are some other veg in there like carrots? Thank you for sharing your holiday recipe with the Hearth and Soul hop.

  4. I think I am with your dad - I would love these fried in coconut oil and topped with some full fat sour cream - to my way of thinking that is the healthy way! Have a blessed Holiday!
    Thanks for linking this to the Hearth and Soul Hop!

  5. Happy Hannukah! I love latkes and these broccoli ones look awesome! Thanks for the creative idea!

  6. I have got to give these a try! I just stumbled upon your blog and I'm now your newest follower. I look forward to reading more!

    Have a great weekend,

  7. Ohhh... these look good. I have some broccoli slaw in the fridg and think I might try them tonight.

    Thank you so much for linking up to my Gluten Free linky. I have been getting a lot of traffic on it.

    I am a new GFC follower and like you on facebook. If you have a twitter account (I can't see one) I am @CandidaJourney and I will follow you back.) Terry


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.