Monday, May 3, 2010

Chain Restaurants with Gluten Free Menus

Restaurants are beginning to add gluten free choices to their menus.I've noticed at least three local Italian restaurants in my neighborhood have added gluten free pasta or pizza as a choice. In addition, some restaurant chains have gluten free menus! Although this is very exciting, you need to be vigilant that your waiter understands what you are ordering or mistakes can be made. Keeping that caution in mind, enjoy the following list.

 Uno Chicago Grill has a gluten free menu that includes pizza!! You can use this link to check out their entire gluten free menu

Outback Steakhouse also has gluten free selections

PF Chang Chinese restaurant has a very extensive gluten free menu which you can view online at

has a full gluten free menu as well which can be viewed online at

Jules Pizza has a line of gluten free pizza

Legal Sea Foods
This chain is located in many states. They are extremely careful about their gluten free menu and use gluten free breadcrumbs or chickpea flour in their gluten free dishes. Each state seems to have their own menu, so you have to look on line to find out. The following link will take you to a directory of their restaurants.

Olive Garden:
Ask to see their gluten free menu. It is limited, but they do offer gluten free pasta.
For a list of additional restaurants with gluten free menus go to :
Gluten Free Awareness program at

Disclaimer: We do not benefit from and are not endorsing any of the restaurants listed in this blog. The information is strictly for educational purposes. Always consult your doctor before making any changes in your diet and eat at these restaurants at your own risk.

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