Saturday, September 21, 2024

And Just Like That, It’s Fall!

fall decorations with mums and pumpkins

Yay! It beginning to feel like Fall!  

There’s something magical about the first signs of fall—the crisp air, the vibrant colors,  the familiar sight of pumpkins adorning the lawns and doorsteps, and festive decorations welcoming the new season.

Pumpkin, October, Halloween, Autumn

This year the transition felt sudden. I barely noticed the subtle changes last week, but as I stepped out for my daily walk this morning, I was surprised to see the total shift in nature's artistry: 

trees turning color for fall
The beautiful lush green trees of summer were starting to reveal golden shades of yellows and oranges, their tired leaves were gently starting to flutter to the ground, and a thin but solid carpet of their debris hugged the grass and streets.

yellow leaves on ground and street

I love this enchanting time of year (for a short time anyway). Our summer was really brutal with temperatures reaching in the upper 90's for well over a month or two and the humidity fairly intense. Despite being a lover of summer, this year the cooler temperatures feel most welcome!!

tree changing color in fall
This tree is massive!!
Since I'll be heading to Florida next month, I'm debating whether or not to buy a large pumpkin or perhaps some pretty mums to decorate my front steps. 

One year, we bought a pumpkin to display, but forgot to remove the pumpkin before we took off for Florida. As the pumpkin softened, the squirrels made quite a mess of it all over our front steps while they enjoyed digging out the seeds.

l Squirrel photo and picture

Last year I bought a large colorful mum  for our front steps but gave it away to a neighbor before we left for Florida. I guess I could have taken it with me since we drove there,  but I think the blazing hot sun on our balcony would have killed it very quickly.

Large fall mum on a front porch

"And Just Like That, It’s Fall," and winter squashes are abundant. I bought 3 different kinds of winter squashes the other day: a butternut, a spaghetti squash, and a delicata. 

Delicata squash sitting on top of a table
Delicata squash 

delicata squash removing seeds

delicata squash roasted
Roasted delicata squash with skin

It was the first time that I made delicata squash. I cleaned out the seeds, sliced it in half lengthwise, and cut 1/2 moon slices before I roasted it in the oven (I did not peel the squash since the skin is thin and edible). It was sweet and delicious. I also like it because it's small, making it perfect for just one meal.

Do you have an Instant Pot? I make my spaghetti squash in the Instant Pot. It's easy and delicious. Try it!! Recipe link: Perfect Spaghetti Squash in the Instant Pot.

What is your favorite winter squash? How do you cook it? Is it beginning to look like fall where you live?

butternut, acorn, pumpkin, and spaghetti squash

Fall officially begins on September 22!!

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Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.
