Saturday, July 20, 2024

Consumer Beware #1- Need To Know

Free Pasta Cut photo and picture

 I received this email from Vani who is a mother and an advocate who publishes a blog called, Food Babe

This is not the first time that I heard about high concentration of Roundup weed killer showing up in our packaged foods such as cheerios and many others.  I decided to share 

Food Babe Post: 

If you’re gluten-free or buy “chickpea” and “lentil” pastas…

I have some important new information for you.

The nonprofit group, Moms Across America, recently sent several gluten-free products to a lab to test for glyphosate (Roundup) residues.

Roundup is one of the most widely used weed killers in the world, and residues of it are ending up in food products on the shelf. 

The only way we can find out which products it’s in is to individually test them. 

It’s been found in Cheerios, Quaker Oats, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes and Doritos…and hundreds more popular products. 

Out of the new gluten-free products that Moms Across America had tested, 44 out of 46 samples were contaminated with Roundup.

Banza pasta (which is made from chickpeas and isn’t organic) had alarming levels

According to Moms Across America, Banza pasta had MORE glyphosate than any food the lab has EVER tested: 2,963 ppb

To give you an idea of how much this is, only 10 ppb is the “acceptable threshold” for glyphosate residues in Europe. 

They also found high levels in:

  • Bob’s Red Mill All-Purpose Flour (gluten-free)
  • Flax4Life Chocolate Brownies
  • Pamela’s Figgies and Jammies Cookies
  • Kind Kids Chewy Chocolate Chip Bars

This is highly concerning because Roundup is strongly linked to cancer

It also may negatively affect fertility.

And increasing Roundup use is correlated with the rise in celiac disease.

Could all of the Roundup in our food be why celiac disease is increasing? What about autoimmune diseases? Or cancer?

Roundup doesn’t just wash off or cook out of your food. It’s absorbed into the flesh of the food, where it remains until we eat it. This is what really makes it so rampant. It’s in just about everything.

In the meantime, it’s safest to choose organic food because at least it isn’t sprayed directly with Roundup and is typically less contaminated.

Share this news with your friends who might be buying Banza pasta. 

You can share on InstagramFacebook, or TikTok, or forward this email to them.  

It’s time that everyone takes this seriously! We can’t sit back and continue letting them poison our food.

Xo,  Vani.


This is additional information that I found : source

"When studying the prevalence of glyphosate in certain foods, the numbers can be shocking. For example, one study from the Environmental Working Group revealed that glyphosate was present in more than 95% of popular oat-based food samples. A follow-up study identified cereals targeting children as some of the most glyphosate-contaminated food products. It measured the levels in parts per billion (ppb) and worked with a benchmark for children’s consumption of glyphosate of 160 ppb."

The most glyphosate-contaminated cereal products were:


  • Honey Nut Cheerios Medley Crunch (833 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars, Maple Brown Sugar (566 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Granola Cups, Almond Butter (529 ppb)
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios (400 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Baked Oat Bites (389 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars, Oats and Honey (320 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars, Peanut Butter (312 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Granola Cups, Peanut Butter Chocolate (297 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Fruit & Nut Chewy Trail Mix Granola Bars, Dark Chocolate Cherry (275 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Protein Granola, Oats and Dark Chocolate (261 ppb)
  • Multi Grain Cheerios (216 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Soft-Baked Oatmeal Squares, Blueberry (206 ppb)
  • Fiber One Soft-Baked Cookies, Oatmeal Raisin (204 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Granola, Peanut Butter Creamy & Crunchy (198 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Biscuits with Almond Butter (194 ppb)

Julia (one of my readers) left this comment: 

Are you familiar with Bobby Parrish - Flavcity? He's as particular, if not even more so, than Food Babe. He has a free app you can download to your phone and scan items to see if they are Bobby approved. It's called the Bobby approved app.I use this app all the time when I'm grocery shopping.

I would love to know your thoughts. Please leave a comment. 


  1. Several organizations have posted about this study finding far more than the allowable trace of Roundup in many products, especially gluten-free items. The incredible dishonesty and lack of concern from the maker of Roundup has been worrisome for many years.
    best, mae at

  2. They are just poisoning us :-((( Better to grow your own food...

  3. This is awful, dangerous and poisonous. It seems to be the same all over the world, perhaps not with Roundup, but there will be other products just as bad. Sad! Valerie

  4. This is shocking! I can't believe Banza pasta has such high levels of Roundup. Definitely sticking to organic from now on. Thanks for sharing this important info!

  5. I have a very high sensitivity to glyphosate so I really appreciate this article. How roundup has been allowed to be used anywhere is amazing to me. It's been proven that when it is sprayed it can travel up to three miles. There is also a list of the highest concentrations of it in certain restaurant foods and Panera was very high at the top yet they supposedly promote clean eating. It's all very sad and scary.

  6. wow...i did not know this and find it extremely alarming!! and all these foods and roundup is still on shelves, how can that be?!

  7. Judee, thank you for this info and the list. While we may not use these products many families do. I don't think folks realize that childhood cancer, intestinal diseases and other childhood problems are on the rise. And to no longer connect them with these poisons is a mistake.

  8. Thank you for bringing this to everyone's attention. I've followed Food Babe for many years and have learned so much from her. I actually live close to Charlotte, NC and ran into her at Whole Foods several years ago! It's so sad what's allowed in our foods here in the US. Are you familiar with Bobby Parrish - Flavcity? He's as particular, if not even more so, than Food Babe. He has a free app you can download to your phone and scan items to see if they are Bobby approved. It's called the Bobby approved app.I use this app all the time when I'm grocery shopping. He also has a wonderful line of protein shakes, electrolytes, teas, and supplements. I've bought them all and have been very pleased with the quality. Hope you check it out, too.

  9. My chiropractor had pointed out the issue a couple of years ago, especially as it related to Cheerios.

  10. We stopped spraying our lawns years and years ago. Now we have to worry about eating it still! Oh my!

  11. Thank you for this post, Mae.
    I stopped eating Cheerios and several other cereals when similar news came years ago. Will be more careful about other gluten free products.

  12. Sorry Judee.
    I typed the wrong name in my previous comment.

  13. UGH- Our food system is broken. I try to stay away from processed foods but, it's impossible to avoid in our food system. Food you think are totally safe...maybe not. Thanks for sharing.

  14. This is extraordinary and extremely worrying. Consumers have so little control, other than refusing to buy.

  15. Now THAT is super-disconcertng. Yikes.

  16. When I first started blogging, I was writing about how bad chemicals were in our food. I try to eat organic as much as I can. With the lawsuits over cancer from Round-up users, you'd think it would make a difference.

  17. It's ridiculous that the government allows this blatant poisoning of our food. I don't think it's a coincidence how many cancer and autoimmune cases, not to mention other ailment, have skyrocketed since Monsanto introduced Roundup to agriculture.

  18. So alarming; I've been blaming our food processing/growing practices for years with the rise of all these allergies and autoimmune diseases. I am trying to hard to get our family to eat more locally grown organic fruits and veggies and cut out as much processed foods as we can.


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.
